Current NROTC 4/C mid for any questions y'all have!

I’m a junior in high school planning to apply over the summer. I recently took the ACT and got a 29 (28 math 35 English). Obviously this is just one part of my application, but is this competitive? I’m mainly worried about the math being on the low side.
Like the title says! Happy to help any of y'all going through the process
My DS just received a National NROTC Scholarship for a Tier 2 Major. Other than free room and board, where should the focus be when looking for the right school and Detachment. Thanks in advance!
My DS just received a National NROTC Scholarship for a Tier 2 Major. Other than free room and board, where should the focus be when looking for the right school and Detachment. Thanks in advance!
The school that DS feels the best fit with is where he will likely be happiest, and do his best in academics and NROTC.
The Navy and Marine Corps send excellent officers to head up and staff their detachments. They are held to high standards, part of the team relied on to train quality new junior officers for the Fleet and Corps.
I’m a junior in high school planning to apply over the summer. I recently took the ACT and got a 29 (28 math 35 English). Obviously this is just one part of my application, but is this competitive? I’m mainly worried about the math being on the low side.
I would say so since I received the scholarship with a lower ACT score, but I also had several other things going on as well. Like the academies, the NROTC Scholarship board reviews the applicant as a whole and not necessarily based solely on academics. However, on another note, since a 29 isn't a perfect score, I think it is in your best interest to try to reach that perfect score or to try to at least get that math portion up there. A lot of the unrestricted service lines in the naval service require a strong math background.
My DS just received a National NROTC Scholarship for a Tier 2 Major. Other than free room and board, where should the focus be when looking for the right school and Detachment. Thanks in advance!
When I was deciding on schools and their respective detachments it was really about where I would make the most out of the school, detachment, and the surrounding community. If I were your DS I would talk to the recruiting chief/PA chief and/or the academic advisors stationed at the detachment (usually a LT (USN) or Capt (USMC) rank so address as sir/ma'am) and if possible visit the school that your DS is considering. I know it is a little tricky considering the COVID situation, but reaching out will already put your DS on their radar. Talking to them will also give your DS a small snapshot of what life is like for a midshipman at that school, detachment, and community. Ultimately it is your DS decision of where he feels most comfortable at and where he thinks he will make the most out of his training.

Both great questions so far- keep them coming!
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I’m a junior in high school planning to apply over the summer. I recently took the ACT and got a 29 (28 math 35 English). Obviously this is just one part of my application, but is this competitive? I’m mainly worried about the math being on the low side.
I got a 1210 SAT, and I received a scholarship. Think of the SAT/ACT as a checkbox. If you have the minimum the box gets checked. 1210 is horrible compared to other scholarship MIDN, but I got a scholarship.
How did your year go with Covid? We’re you online? How did your physical training go? What are you planning on doing this summer?
How did your year go with Covid? We’re you online? How did your physical training go? What are you planning on doing this summer?
As far as physical training went, I would've liked the opportunity to workout with my unit and build comradery within it but the school that hosted my unit wasn't allowing us to officially PT together so our PTO of my company created recommended workout plans to follow each week. This wasn't particularly a problem for me since I am extremely physically active and workout 2-3 times a day 6 days a week.

Yes most of my labs and classes were online this year- we had a few in person labs last semester along with uniform checks. I enjoyed getting to know my unit and learning with each one of them; however since NSI got cancelled for us last summer, it was very difficult for us (the 4/c) to (I hate this phrase but here we go) "fit in" this year- Even though those of us that stayed with the unit were too stubborn to let ourselves get behind, we were missing an essential part of our training that got cancelled last summer due to COVID-19, so nothing about this year was easy at all. In fact, we are still learning and have yet to learn things that we should have mastered at NSI last summer.

This transitions to your final question about my plans for this summer: When NSI got cancelled and Plebe Summer still went on (although abridged), I realized that I am missing an essential part of training that will prepare me to become an effective leader in the Navy which ultimately was the deciding factor to re-apply to the Naval Academy. Therefore, if I get offered an appointment this cycle, I will be in Plebe Summer in Annapolis this summer.

If I do not end up getting an offer of appointment this cycle, I am planning on doing something called CORTRAMID either in Norfolk or in San Diego. This will be my 3/C summer cruise- I have yet to figure out where (either Norfolk or San Diego) my cruise will take place.
I am planning on doing something called CORTRAMID either in Norfolk or in San Diego. This will be my 3/C summer cruise- I have yet to figure out where (either Norfolk or San Diego) my cruise will take place.
my DD was told San Diego based on her residence. Unlike other years she was advised, to reduce travel expense, the Navy is having center-west US goes West and center-east US goes East for CORTRAMID. But don't know if that's official or true.
my DD was told San Diego based on her residence. Unlike other years she was advised, to reduce travel expense, the Navy is having center-west US goes West and center-east US goes East for CORTRAMID. But don't know if that's official or true.
That's standard, usually the line of demarcation is the Mississippi River. Exceptions can be made for a variety of reasons, although they aren't always guaranteed.
Great answers so far. My question for you is this: First, what did you do to improve for your application to USNA, and second, what would you advise a college reapplicant regarding the grueling application process while managing ROTC and academics?
Great answers so far. My question for you is this: First, what did you do to improve for your application to USNA, and second, what would you advise a college reapplicant regarding the grueling application process while managing ROTC and academics?
Great questions @Heatherg21 !

For your first question: I tried to improve in pretty much every category and was mostly successful. Unfortunately the high schools in my area had trouble scheduling both the SAT and ACT exams so I wasn't able to improve on that this year because I never had the chance. However, I feel confident about my scores from the previous years so I had no problem submitting those again. As for everything else, I improved on the CFA, stayed medically qualified and significantly improved my academics. When I had sent a 6 semester transcript for my package last year I was ranked in the top quartile of my graduating class (unfortunately my school didn't specify what rank I was if I wasn't in the top 10%) which was good, but I wasn't satisfied. When I sent my final 8 semester transcript from my high school, I jumped to the top 10% with an extremely high specific rank of my graduating class. So moral of the story, take advantage of that last semester! It can and will benefit you like it did me! Additionally, I only had one nomination last year, this year I was able to earn two. Getting good grades for that first semester in college I think is going to help as well.

As for your second question:

To all the college reapplicants going through the process: Most candidates I've met approached their second attempt with the app package to get everything done as quickly as possible (i.e. submit everything over the summer except the college transcript because that won't be available until DEC), which is in my opinion only a good strategy if you were applying in high school. Because I am in college now and have to wait until DEC for my first semester college transcript to come out, I didn't necessarily want to rush completing my package because now the admissions board is looking for what I did not only in high school but also the little time I had spent in college. My thought process was if I submitted everything too early, the admissions board will miss out on what I did and am currently doing in college. During this past semester and a half, I have been balancing volunteer hours, NROTC, academics, and my sport club I was heavily involved in. Later, I got promoted to VP of that sport club. Candidates when you can, take EVERY advantage of volunteer and leadership opportunities you get, because trust me when I say my BGO, AC, and the admissions board wanted to know about ALL of that.

On another note specifically about NROTC, I know a lot of college reapplicants are a little skeptical about doing it just because if they do it then they wouldn't want to leave (especially if your a scholarship MIDN, you're pretty much set for commissioning), but I encourage y'all (scholarship mid or CP candidate) to do it just because it will solidify your decision to join the Navy/have a career in the Navy, and it's another nomination source too which may come in handy.

Above all, STAY PATIENT!! I sometimes have to remind myself to stay patient because there's no doubt that the waiting game is hard, especially the second time around. You'll also find that sometimes the wait isn't bad because you're too busy with everything else in college haha

Although I am still waiting to hear back from the academy myself, I hope this helps for the college reapps out there:)
Great questions @Heatherg21 !

For your first question: I tried to improve in pretty much every category and was mostly successful. Unfortunately the high schools in my area had trouble scheduling both the SAT and ACT exams so I wasn't able to improve on that this year because I never had the chance. However, I feel confident about my scores from the previous years so I had no problem submitting those again. As for everything else, I improved on the CFA, stayed medically qualified and significantly improved my academics. When I had sent a 6 semester transcript for my package last year I was ranked in the top quartile of my graduating class (unfortunately my school didn't specify what rank I was if I wasn't in the top 10%) which was good, but I wasn't satisfied. When I sent my final 8 semester transcript from my high school, I jumped to the top 10% with an extremely high specific rank of my graduating class. So moral of the story, take advantage of that last semester! It can and will benefit you like it did me! Additionally, I only had one nomination last year, this year I was able to earn two. Getting good grades for that first semester in college I think is going to help as well.

As for your second question:

To all the college reapplicants going through the process: Most candidates I've met approached their second attempt with the app package to get everything done as quickly as possible (i.e. submit everything over the summer except the college transcript because that won't be available until DEC), which is in my opinion only a good strategy if you were applying in high school. Because I am in college now and have to wait until DEC for my first semester college transcript to come out, I didn't necessarily want to rush completing my package because now the admissions board is looking for what I did not only in high school but also the little time I had spent in college. My thought process was if I submitted everything too early, the admissions board will miss out on what I did and am currently doing in college. During this past semester and a half, I have been balancing volunteer hours, NROTC, academics, and my sport club I was heavily involved in. Later, I got promoted to VP of that sport club. Candidates when you can, take EVERY advantage of volunteer and leadership opportunities you get, because trust me when I say my BGO, AC, and the admissions board wanted to know about ALL of that.

On another note specifically about NROTC, I know a lot of college reapplicants are a little skeptical about doing it just because if they do it then they wouldn't want to leave (especially if your a scholarship MIDN, you're pretty much set for commissioning), but I encourage y'all (scholarship mid or CP candidate) to do it just because it will solidify your decision to join the Navy/have a career in the Navy, and it's another nomination source too which may come in handy.

Above all, STAY PATIENT!! I sometimes have to remind myself to stay patient because there's no doubt that the waiting game is hard, especially the second time around. You'll also find that sometimes the wait isn't bad because you're too busy with everything else in college haha

Although I am still waiting to hear back from the academy myself, I hope this helps for the college reapps out there:)
Great strategies. I wish you the best. Thank you for paying it forward to others.
My DD found out today that she received the 4 year NROTC scholarship. When/how will she find out to which school it is applied to? She also heard from her 1st choice school today and was not accepted. Was accepted to her 5th choice. Waiting to hear from the other 3. Thank you.
My DD found out today that she received the 4 year NROTC scholarship. When/how will she find out to which school it is applied to? She also heard from her 1st choice school today and was not accepted. Was accepted to her 5th choice. Waiting to hear from the other 3. Thank you.
If this year was like last year's process, it should show up on your DD's portal when she clicks "Check Status." It would show that she received the 4 year NROTC Scholarship and what school/detachment your DD was placed at. Your DD should also get two forms via email (also should be on the portal too), one is an acceptance form and another a placement change request form (if your DD hears back from the other three and decides to go to one of them)

Hope this helps!
If this year was like last year's process, it should show up on your DD's portal when she clicks "Check Status." It would show that she received the 4 year NROTC Scholarship and what school/detachment your DD was placed at. Your DD should also get two forms via email (also should be on the portal too), one is an acceptance form and another a placement change request form (if your DD hears back from the other three and decides to go to one of them)

Hope this helps!
Very helpful! Thank you so much! She'll be on the lookout in her portal for the updates and information. Many thanks.