Current Plebe here to answer any questions (I am college re-app as well so that is also on the table)

I think the penthouse suites with en suite bathrooms, heated decks, king-sized bunks, concierge service and sound-proofing are the ones my DH recalls with fondness. (Apply tongue-in-cheek font).
> I would have settled for cleaning service !

We were among those who chopped, etc. for the entire plebe year (we didn't even get carry on after Army since we tied and, given we were supposed to win, it was considered a loss).
^ Clearly the last class to have a a REAL Plebe Year (and give a real Plebe Summer !)
You will figure it out. It’s amazing what your brain can learn and retain. Painful at first, but by this time next year, piece of cake.

Worry about it when it’s time to do so. No sense in thinking about it now.

The reason for these is down the road, you may be in a chaotic, dangerous, operational situation, people yelling all around you, alarms going off in your cockpit or on the ship’s bridge or some other live, real, situation, announcements are being made, the surrounding noise is deafening, etc. Your brain has to know it can triage the information, use muscle memory and memorized procedures to act and think and decide without delay, direct your people calmly, assess, adapt, survive.

Stress is part of the training. You learn how to handle it and use it and not succumb to it. If someone doesn’t, they may not be on the right path - which is why you can walk away without obligation until you start your academic year as a 2/c.
It also comes in handy for wedding planning...just 'sayin.
I can speak from experience that when the aircraft doesn't want to fly, you don't really notice the alarms. ;)
Do you know anyone who was accepted after their junior year of college/21 year old+ plebes? How is the academy different for them?