My son just received notice from DoDMERB that he does not meet medical standards due to Acne(Accutane), Chronic Urticaria, and Astigmatism.
We believe Acne and Astigmatism will not be problems but are concerned about the "Chronic Urticaria". In May/June 2006 he had unusual swelling/hives which came to be attributed to Mononucleosis. Unfortunately, this resurfaced in Dec./Jan. 2007 but to a much lesser degree. Since then (8 months ago) there has been absolutely nothing- no sign of any reoccurence. He was referred to an allergist who labeled him as having Chronic Urticaria. We have scheduled for a 2nd opinion with another specialist. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks so much.
My son just received notice from DoDMERB that he does not meet medical standards due to Acne(Accutane), Chronic Urticaria, and Astigmatism.
We believe Acne and Astigmatism will not be problems but are concerned about the "Chronic Urticaria". In May/June 2006 he had unusual swelling/hives which came to be attributed to Mononucleosis. Unfortunately, this resurfaced in Dec./Jan. 2007 but to a much lesser degree. Since then (8 months ago) there has been absolutely nothing- no sign of any reoccurence. He was referred to an allergist who labeled him as having Chronic Urticaria. We have scheduled for a 2nd opinion with another specialist. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks so much.