Hello, I am hoping one particular individual on here can help me. I was refered here.
Here is my situation.
I was disqualified for hematuria which is very common and I do not understand why I was disqualified. I went to see a specialist and he sent a letter to the academy saying I was fine when I told him not too. This lead to them thinking it was a rebuttal and they declined it now.
Here is where I stand.
I have sent a new package with 4 speicalists, my family doctor, and a flight surgeon at the local air force base stating that I am fine, each writing a letter. I have had a CT scan, I have had things shoved up both ends of me, blood drawings, and other tests. EVERYTHING came back negative and they said I have nothing wrong with me at all. All tests are negative. I have had 13 urine tests where I have peed in a cup and all I have come back with just 1+. After all this i have a very extensive package that i sent them with all the letters form the individuals.
My question.
How likely is it that they are going to give me a waiver for this now since i have a flight surgeon stating I am fine. The academy DODMERB rep said that would go along way in itself.
Here is my situation.
I was disqualified for hematuria which is very common and I do not understand why I was disqualified. I went to see a specialist and he sent a letter to the academy saying I was fine when I told him not too. This lead to them thinking it was a rebuttal and they declined it now.
Here is where I stand.
I have sent a new package with 4 speicalists, my family doctor, and a flight surgeon at the local air force base stating that I am fine, each writing a letter. I have had a CT scan, I have had things shoved up both ends of me, blood drawings, and other tests. EVERYTHING came back negative and they said I have nothing wrong with me at all. All tests are negative. I have had 13 urine tests where I have peed in a cup and all I have come back with just 1+. After all this i have a very extensive package that i sent them with all the letters form the individuals.
My question.
How likely is it that they are going to give me a waiver for this now since i have a flight surgeon stating I am fine. The academy DODMERB rep said that would go along way in itself.