Dodmerb: A ?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 5, 2007
Hey I'm filling out the medical history. I got to the back pain question. If I went to physical therapy for a week for back spasms because of football, should I mark "yes" for it? Also, should I mark "consulted or treated by a specialist for something other than a minor illness" (getting physical therapy, getting x-rays). Would it look sketchy if I have 3 varsity letters and no back pain/consulted a specialist? Not chronic problems.
One of the things I've stated I will not do is fill out the medical history forms for applicants. If you feel it is important enough to ask a question about here on the forum, then it is important enough to place on the medical history form.

From your description here, if I was doing the review of your history I would request copies of your medical records. If they show that it was an isolated incident then I would clear the issue.