Here...let me tell you how USAFA looks at this. IF the candidate has "experimented" with MJ...they will respond honestly on the form; then there will be some more paperwork to fill out: why, when, how often, etc...etc...it's an involved process. However I will also tell you that there is not a "once is done" policy at USAFA for MJ. They're realists; this is something that happens in high school. I have had a lot of appointees in my time as an ALO that were honest and owned up to what they'd done in the past. I've had one that was DQ'd from it; but his was, honestly, not experimenting: he was a user. **Added: testing positive in a DODMERB blood test would probably be a VERY bad idea.
The alcohol...that's a non-issue if it's just a high school kid that went drinking with his buddies. Yes, it's illegal; yes, he shouldn't do it, but again...it's high school and they understand that. The form that he will have to attest to is the "Drug use, alcohol ABUSE" form. Two key words here: "use" and "ABUSE." Use is exactly what is says: did he use an illegal drug (and no, alcohol is not what they mean and it's clearly spelled out) ever? The alcohol abuse part; this has to be determined by a physician: is he physically/chemically reliant upon alcohol? If a physician has stated that he has an alcohol problem...then "Houston, we have a problem" but if it's just "Uh, dad...I'm sorry...I won't...but..." then that's between him and you.
Does this make sense?