DoDMERB is requesting applicant input


10-Year Member
Jun 15, 2006
DoDMERB has done a redesign of their web site and they have asked me to provide feed back from the customers (thats you, the applicants) as to how you like the new web site.

Please, take a minute to visit the web site. Even if you are qualified, just take a look around and give me your thoughts. Is the login easier? Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Is the layout better? Are the links clearly defined and easily found?

DoDMERB would like this information to better serve you, the silent majority. They get instant feedback from the academies and ROTC folks, but applicants far outnumber those folks, and if you cant find what you are looking for, then DoDMERB has not done their jobs.

Thanks in advance!!
I like the new look, but the explanations found under "Disqualifications Long Description" are really lacking.

I can't find one that offers any more information than the "Short Description" does.

Perhaps they can explain the DQ code in a little more detail?
Wow! I had not been on in many months - glad I was prompted to do so - the new set up is great. All the forms are on-line now and easy to find! I remember last year one of the remedial forms we needed wasn't up and we had to wait for the mail to come.

I noticed her address is updated to her current school - MMI. I guess that came from USMA.
The chronology of events is really clear but - the only thing that may be confusing is the description of each waiver:
"Date letter sent - Multi-Service Disqualification Removal - Waived "
It doesn't say which program removed the dq. I only mention that since she was waived by two programs on two different dates. You need to scroll down to see that.

I did notice that the date of 8/7/07 was added for
"Date letter sent - Multi-Service Disqualification Removal - Waived "
and that her application is "In process" - I assume since she is applying again - but she never actually received a letter.
Anyway - I am glad to know the date is there and the waiver still stands for this year.

One more note - last year she also applied to USNA and USCGA - will those be on the website forever?
I like the new look, but the explanations found under "Disqualifications Long Description" are really lacking.

I can't find one that offers any more information than the "Short Description" does.

Perhaps they can explain the DQ code in a little more detail?

With most of the disqualifications the short description and the long description are the same. Unfortunately since there is almost always a difference between every applicant it would be to tough to try and personalize each and every disqualification.

I noticed her address is updated to her current school - MMI. I guess that came from USMA.


The chronology of events is really clear but - the only thing that may be confusing is the description of each waiver:
"Date letter sent - Multi-Service Disqualification Removal - Waived "
It doesn't say which program removed the dq. I only mention that since she was waived by two programs on two different dates. You need to scroll down to see that.

The way the DoDMERB systems was designed its not possible to single out from the database which program the letter was sent for. I will mention that as a confusing point.

I did notice that the date of 8/7/07 was added for
"Date letter sent - Multi-Service Disqualification Removal - Waived "
and that her application is "In process" - I assume since she is applying again - but she never actually received a letter.
Anyway - I am glad to know the date is there and the waiver still stands for this year.

A new letter should have been sent. You may want to call DoDMERB and find out. It is possible that it went to MMI before she showed up and they returned it to DoDMERB.

One more note - last year she also applied to USNA and USCGA - will those be on the website forever?

The most recent application for a particular program will show. So if she doesn't re-apply to those programs they will stay forever.
Ahhhh yes maybe the letter is deep in the bowels of MMI or back to DoDMERB! Never thought of that.

Another question:
10-AUG-06 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system

This is the very first date that shows up. It doesn't tell which program sent the request. Is it possible for DoDMERB to identify the program?
It doesn't really matter, I guess, but sometimes candidates wonder how their name got to DoDMERB when they apply to multiple programs simultaneously.
Hmmm.. thats a good one, who put an applicant in first. I don't know that DoDMERB tracks that, but I would think it would be possible to figure that out some how. One more thing on my list!:thumb:
The web site did not provide the code for the remedial I received. I'd like to know the reason for the remedial before I get the letter. I'm thinking that someone just forgot to enter the code- do you think that I should call up?
As usual, you guys are way ahead of me! My son sent me an e-mail yesterday that he was sending to his Regional Director at the CGO to have me do a "stupid check". His term for a proof read to ensure that no foot-in-mouth statements are made. He asked me to check up on his requirements for his candidacy and nomination to ensure they were correct and up to date. That prompted me to go on to the DoDMERB site for the first time since he was upgraded from a denial for an inguinal hernia back in February.

WOW! What a difference! I am a little confused with the Date...Event...Code table though. If you just look at the final entry, it shows the D-Qual code D.164.30 which would seem to indicate a D-Qual as the final entry. However, if you look all the way down to Current Status it indicates Qualified.

Date Event Code(s)
11-OCT-06 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
11-OCT-06 Application Added
23-OCT-06 Actual date of exam
02-NOV-06 Date exam received at DoDMERB
02-NOV-06 Medical data entry
07-NOV-06 Date exam reviewed
29-NOV-06 Date letter sent - Disqualification D164.30
29-NOV-06 Date exam reviewed
29-NOV-06 Date Posted To Waiver Authority
06-DEC-06 Date letter sent - Disqualification D164.30
15-FEB-07 Date exam reviewed
16-FEB-07 Date letter sent - DD2368: Status Letter
16-FEB-07 Date letter sent - DD2368: Status Letter D164.30
06-JUL-07 Date letter sent - DD2368: Status Letter
06-JUL-07 Date letter sent - DD2368: Status Letter D164.30

Agency: US Naval Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 22-JUN-2007
Current Medical Status: Qualified (as of 06-JUL-07 )

Even with that, what a great and informative site! RetNavyHM said some months ago that the new CO was going to make a lot of changes. Great place to start since the WebSite is the face of DoDMERB to every qualified candidate. BZ Capt. Merchant!
DODMERB website

We (daughter applying to USCGA and myself) entered the site for the first time this week and filled out all the paperwork. It seemed straightforward enough. Can't remember exactly where I was in the paperwork when I noticed one of the questions had a spelling error. That is one of my pet want it to look as professional as you expect from the applicants.

so far it has worked fine...will let you know as we progress.


Was it the DoDMERB site that had the spelling error or the Dodmets site? There are no forms to fill out on the DoDMERB side (unless it is one of the questionnaires). If you could give me a little more into I can see if I can pass the info to the people who can fix it.


Was it the DoDMERB site that had the spelling error or the Dodmets site? There are no forms to fill out on the DoDMERB side (unless it is one of the questionnaires). If you could give me a little more into I can see if I can pass the info to the people who can fix it.


I found it.

An "Eye Examination Data Form for Remedial codes" on this page:

is described as "Depth peception", not depth PERCEPTION.
spelling error

Looks like I was actually on the dodmets site when I found the error.

Well Luigi59 did find one on the DoDMERB web site as well, and that has been reported, so hopefully it'll be fixed shortly.