DODMERB Question


Dec 5, 2016
I have applied to USCGA, USNA and USAFA.
However when I checked the status of my DODMERB exam it stated that it was under review for just the USCGA and USNA.

Does anyone know why they wouldn't review my medical exam for the USAFA as well?
I'd appreciate any insight/response.
I have applied to USCGA, USNA and USAFA.
However when I checked the status of my DODMERB exam it stated that it was under review for just the USCGA and USNA.

Does anyone know why they wouldn't review my medical exam for the USAFA as well?
I'd appreciate any insight/response.

DS had a similar concern with a different SA. He was told that requests are sent in batches from the SA. That may be the case for all of them.
Could Acne be in any way disqualifying from the service academies?
+1 @MohawkArmyROTC
Here is the standard for Acne that would result in a DQ
a. Current diseases of sebaceous glands including severe and or cystic acne (706), or hidradenitis suppurativa (704-705), if extensive involvement of the neck, scalp, axilla, groin, shoulders, chest, or back is present or shall be aggravated by or interfere with the proper wearing of military equipment. Applicants under treatment with systemic retinoids, including, but not limited to isotretinoin (Accutane®), do not meet the standard until 8 weeks after completion of therapy.
Last year DS checked yes to Acne, since is was a diagnosis code his physician used during his annual physical. He responded with something like "Mild adolescent acne. No medical treatment or prescriptions drugs needed." He was qualified with no remedial.
Last year DS checked yes to Acne, since is was a diagnosis code his physician used during his annual physical. He responded with something like "Mild adolescent acne. No medical treatment or prescriptions drugs needed." He was qualified with no remedial.

What does it mean if I need a remedial?
It is when DoDMERB needs more information or testing to either make a determination or to assemble a package for a waiver. The remedial request could be for medical records, an exam by a specialist or some sort of additional testing.
Would mononucleosis be a condition that would have to be reported on DoDMERB or no? I put it on my MEPS physical and I was told I did not need to.
You can consider it an "other illness" and report it if not t makes you feel more comfortable.