DODMERB review time?


10-Year Member
Jan 14, 2007
Hey, this forum has been really helpful in the past so I thought I'd ask a quick question again...

I had 3 medical remedials which I knew where going to be a problem (nothing to out of the oridinary, but it was a pain to track down the medical records for DODMERB). I sent in one of the sets of medical records into DODMERB for further review in early December and still haven't heard anything and the website hasn't changed from "remedial requested". I sent in my other 2 sets of records about 2 weeks ago. So my question is, when do you think I will know what I need to do next? We thought we would know on the first set by now, but I guess it's taking longer than anticipated. Any advice on the average DODMERB timeframe I'm looking at?? Thanks!!
As long as you have an outstanding remedial your status will stay "Remedial Requested". Once DoDMERB receives the remedials they can take up to 30 days to process, but most of the time it takes less than 2 weeks.