Are you talking about USNA graduation? Or NROTC? I saw the service selection numbers on a post somewhere on this forum for last year's USNA class and EOD was a pretty small number like SEALs. I think SEALs were 24 and EOD like 12. Out of like 1050 grads I believe. Most go SWO and aviation, then like 266 USMC, then subs, then NSW /Seals and EOD, then like single digits for the restricted lines like medical school, law school, pharmacy school, etc.Just curious what the percentage is after graduation, and if someone were interested would it be helpful to obtain more scuba certs on their own prior to graduation?
For FY16 NROTC, EOD/NSW was 28 out of 892. I don't know how many of the 28 were EOD and how many were NSW. Figure about half and half or so.
I was thinking NROTC. So thank you. It is interesting all around though. One year can change am entire direction! Thanks for info.Are you talking about USNA graduation? Or NROTC? I saw the service selection numbers on a post somewhere on this forum for last year's USNA class and EOD was a pretty small number like SEALs. I think SEALs were 24 and EOD like 12. Out of like 1050 grads I believe. Most go SWO and aviation, then like 266 USMC, then subs, then NSW /Seals and EOD, then like single digits for the restricted lines like medical school, law school, pharmacy school, etc.Just curious what the percentage is after graduation, and if someone were interested would it be helpful to obtain more scuba certs on their own prior to graduation?
Thanks. I was just thinking if it would help it might make good xmas gift to get more scuba in over school break.I would figure close to half also. Civilian certs won't necessarily help. It can in the sense it helps get someone comfortable in the water. Dive school is not all that complex, it's more mental and PT intensive than anything. They PT the heck out of them and are looking for those who follow instructions exactly and are safe in the water.