Does WP require Mid-year Grade Report?


10-Year Member
Jun 9, 2006
Does anyone know if WP requires a high school mid-year grade report? Where can I find that info?

When we had the application packet there was a post card in there for guidance to complete and mail in.

Look online or if the high school updates the transcripts and re-ranks the class (ours does) then have an update copy of the official transcript sent in.

It's not a bad idea for him to contact his Regional commander and notify him that it is coming.
Update that file!!!
i'd send a seventh semester transcript. wouldn't hurt anyone...actually i think they need it to evaluate you for an appointment in march/april, so it would behoove you to do so.
Thanks for the replies!

Son has received his Appointment.

So I'm wondering if the mid-year report is still required. Another parent said to wait until contacted - that WP admissions will request the update if they want it.

I guess he'll have to email his RC and inquire.

I'm also guessing that the end of year transcript is necessary.
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Congrats to your son, sealion!! :yay::yay::yay:

He will be required to send in his final transcript...but read his appointment letter once more. They may have asked for the seventh semester transcript.

Was there a booklet called "Instructions for Candidates Offered Admission" in his appointment package? The last page has a very handy USMA Admission Check List.
The nice thing about WP is anything they need you to send, they will let you know until they receive it. It's a very step-by-step process. Be on the lookout for several mailings over the next few months.