Equestrian Club

A couple of Mids from KY started the club/team. They currently have 5 horses. All costs are currently out of team/club members' pockets.

Club members can be in any year, and no previous riding experience is necessary. Several of the team members are qualified to teach beginners, and the team has an outside coach as well. This past year, team members competed in a number of events around the region, and they finished ~8 of 15 overall in their region for the season. Not bad, considering they only are allowed to go to the farm on weekends. (They have an arrangement for other people to look after the horses during the week, as the Powers That Be haven't yet seen fit to authorize official "club" status).

Club members have also started a service project to assist a Maryland riding therapy group (sorry - can't remember the group's name just now.) They are hoping to eventually do riding therapy with Wounded Warriors.
Point of clarification: At USNA there is a difference between being an approved Extracurricular Activity, versus being an official "club" sport/team. Club sports teams are provided with some official funding, and they are allowed to pursue their activity during weekday sports hours.