Essay Questions


Aug 2, 2016
I'd like to ask one of the other candidates who have their full application portal to post the essay/statements so I can get a head start. I saw one of the posts with an essay topic list:

1. "West Point and the Army are committed to the idea that respect for others and an understanding of diversity are important leadership traits. Why will you be successful in working with leaders, peers, and subordinates of a gender, color, ethnicity, and/or religion different from your own?"

2. ....

How many other questions? How many words/characters are we allowed?

On a separate note, my Army ROTC application contains 3 questions with a 2000 character limit for each.

1. Consider carefully, and then state below in the space provided why you wish to enroll in the Army ROTC Program. Indicate in your statement how you believe your own objectives in life are related to the education and training offered by Army ROTC and what a career obligation means to you.

2. State below in the space provided how you spend your time in a typical week during the school year. For Example, how many extra hours do you spend: at school, doing homework, engaged in athletic activities, engaged in extracurricular activities (i.e. clubs), engaged in volunteer work, or other (explain).

3. Please expand on any additional information outlining scholastic, athletic and leadership achievements not otherwise annotated in the previous sections. Although you are not required to do so, you are highly encouraged to do so if applicable.
I'll answer it for anyone else who may not have access already and wants a head start. There are 2 other questions:

2. Explain why you want to attend the United States Military Academy and serve on active duty as an Army officer.

3. What are the most important qualities in becoming a successful USMA cadet and a successful Army officer?

Maximum 2,500 characters per statement(Approx between 250-500 words)
Looks like the same questions as last year. I remember my son having me read over each of his essays several times to offer approval or insight. He took probably a week or two before he had them the way he wanted.
Your essay needs to be your essay. Speak how you feel not how you think they want you to. That is the best advice. Make it real and make it you.
They want to know who you are. Make it personal. show them your character and integrity.

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