Unfortunately from what you have stated you will be found medically disqualified. There are 2 standards that may affect you:
E1.2.5.3 - Current or history of degenerative changes of any part of the retina is disqualifying.
E1.2.5.4 - Current or history of detachment of the retina, history of surgery for the same, or peripheral retinal injury, defect, or degeneration that may cause retinal detachment is disqualifying.
In my experience getting waivers for retinal detachments or retinal surgery are very difficult to obtain. Thats not to say don't try. Just be aware that you are going to have more than one speed bump in the process. When I was working at DoDMERB I was suprised almost everyday by the waiver authorities making me look like a fool.
My suggestion to you (this is not a medical recommendation, just a suggestion) would be to get copies of all medical records concerning this as well as any follow-up examinations you have had. I have to assume that you have been followed up every year by your optometrist/opthalmologist. You will want to ensure you have all those exams. If you want to get a new, comprehensive examination by your optometrist/opthalmologist that would also give the waiver authorities more information to work with.
DO NOT send that information in with the initial physical examination, wait until DoDMERB requests the information.
I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but if your goal in life is to go to a service academy or ROTC program and become a military officer then I would go ahead and apply. I have found that people who are focused on the goal, and stay positive throught the process have much better results than those who just give up.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you out!