Eye Wavier USNA Myopia Error


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Sep 6, 2007
Does anyone have any experience with eye waivers for Myopia - refractive error greater than - 6.00 diopters (sphere component only)? I think my one eye is like -6.50 and other is -5.75. I got a LOA to USNA and I'm wondering the probability that my wavier will be accepted by DODMERB. It is common for somone to get a wavier for this medical issue?
poor vision

Our daughters vision was not good and she is a very happy plebe at USNA. A second eye exam did the trick plus lots of GREAT advice from Retired Navy HM.

I would be happy to fill you in on the path we traveled.
Waivers are possible for myopia, depending on the refractive error. Please feel free to look back at some of the more recent posts in the DoDMERB sections, specifically last week when I answered some other vision questions.
Hi MichDad,

I saw your post that your daughter had -7 and -8.5, and got a waiver, congrats.

We're currently in a similar boat. I have -7.5 and -7.5 and am trying to get a waiver.

I hope we have the same success. We'll find out soon I'm sure.

Our daughters vision was not good and she is a very happy plebe at USNA. A second eye exam did the trick plus lots of GREAT advice from Retired Navy HM.

I would be happy to fill you in on the path we traveled.
I know, but I still found it inspiring, and I don't know if MichDad is still on the board or not, but thought it was good to post to him.

I saw that he posted over a 2 year period, so he may still be around :smile: