I read here occasionally. I get everything else I need or want to know directly from our son, no social media, no parent's club. There really isn't anything parents need to know. It's entirely possible to do this thing all by yourself and just tell your parents if/when you're coming home or leaving and when/where you want them to show up for some event. Or not. Our son wanted us at the Ring Ceremony last summer and wants us to attend graduation in May, so he shared the relevant information, and we'll be there, but we have not required any outside sources to successfully plan travel, find places to stay/eat, or properly attend any event. The United States Army requires zip from parents as they aren't part of this process. The academy/Army will communicate directly and solely with you, so you will be the best source of information for anything you wish to share with your parents or feel they need to know. Coming to the end of our son's time at West Point, I still find all the liaison, emotional support groups, books, and parent outreach stuff rather incongruous with the military. None of it is necessary, but it does serve to make some parents feel more connected to what their adult offspring are experiencing. It's perfectly fine for your parents to check out online resources and a local club but, as others have noted upthread, they should determine what's useful to them and leave the rest. They won't be missing anything important (other than you).