Faulty CFA


10-Year Member
Mar 14, 2014
PE teacher administered CFA to DS last Thursday and uploaded the data. (maxed almost everything but botched the mile run)

After speaking to DS, I just found out that the PE teacher did not read the instructions properly and administered the events out of sequence!

DS is going to meet with the teacher to advise of the problem and request a re-do.

Who should DS contact to reset the CFA? Should we advise USNA of the specifics, or just request the CFA on his portal to be re-opened?

Thanks for your advice!
He should contact his Regional Director. He/she will "reset" the system so a new CFA can be entered. There is no need for a lengthy/involved explanation -- I would simply say the facilitator administered the test in the incorrect order so needs to be retaken.
Thank you, USNA1985! You are like having a BGO in my office! :biggrin: