When you look at academic programs related to Finance, there are normally two tracks: Corporate Finance and Investments (A wide variety of functions, but typically what one would view as "Wall Street")
Finance would be a good branch to prepare for a transition to corporate finance. All civilian companies (and government agencies) manage payroll, prepare budgets, manage accounts payable, etc., just as the Army does. A civilian company would further involve capital structure (debt vs equity) and cash management (what to do with cash until it is needed), activities generally not related to Army financial management.
Investments is not directly related to the Army's Finance Branch, but does require some of the same basic skills such as preparing and analyzing financial spreadsheets. However, most former Junior Military Officers who follow this path do so through graduate school, starting as Associates (or some equivalent title), bypassing the entry level position of Analyst and minimizing the benefit of service as an Finance Officer.