Flat Feet at USNA


Apr 23, 2016
Will flat feet present an issue for the Navy? I have to send some medical paperwork to DoDMERB, and on it there is a diagnosis for flat feet after some achilles tendon pain from running a lot. I have not had any prescribed orthopedics, but on the report there is a recommendation for OTC shoe inserts. I am hoping this doesn't add another issue to DoDMERB as I have already been through a long and frustrating process with DoDMERB and I am running out of time.
I have asked this question before, but got more information about Army guidelines more than Navy.
Will flat feet present an issue for the Navy? I have to send some medical paperwork to DoDMERB, and on it there is a diagnosis for flat feet after some achilles tendon pain from running a lot. I have not had any prescribed orthopedics, but on the report there is a recommendation for OTC shoe inserts. I am hoping this doesn't add another issue to DoDMERB as I have already been through a long and frustrating process with DoDMERB and I am running out of time.
I have asked this question before in the DoDMERB forum, but got more information about Army guidelines more than Navy.
Flat feet used to be an exemption from the Draft, so it could be relevant. However, it might be more relevant to Army than Navy. You should look up the DODMERB guidelines for the particular service academy.
It's not a disqualifier for NROTC. Can't speak for USNA but I'd have to assume they're the same.
I was at the game in Baltimore last December, and the whole Navy team looked to be at least a bit flat on their feet. Lol.

Go Army! Beat Navy!