For the future cadets! Learn about Cadet Basic Training!


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 16, 2008

I have created a site where it has all the information about cadet basic training at West Point. It's definitely a good source for those who are considering applying to West Point. They will definitely have more insights on the fundamentals in Cadet Basic Training. Have fund and explore the site! (p.s. the site is still in progress)
You know, advice is like dog hair at my house: it's here's some more....for those of you who read these forums, take advice only after much research. The only experts here are Mr. Mullen and some BGO's and ALO's...the rest of us try to offer from our own experience. My opinion on the previous post is that if your chain of command saw your blog, they would be none too happy with you. While a future cadet should go into the SA informed, you don't need to know everything ahead of time. Eliminating all mystery is not always a good thing. I have the beast video; I will not be showing it to my neighbor (2013), but I will show to his parents in July when they are wondering what he is doing. A little old lady once told me that you don't need to know everything, and you don't need to say everything you know. Just my $.02.

Well said mom3boys.
I find it hard to believe that a USMA plebe has so much free time but this one has broken several rules -
Don't put anything on the internet that you would not want your CoC to see.
Beast changes from year to year. The class of 2012 had a schedule that was unlike the Class of 2011.
Don't give away the farm.
There is ALOT more to West Point than Beast. Over 90% of entering new cadets are accepted into the Corps on A-Day.
krnxastudent, thanks for sharing your cadet experiences on your blog. I like your writing style. :cool:

And welcome to the Service Academy Forums! I hope you will introduce yourself in the introductions thread - I am glad you have joined our community. :smile:
Whether or not it was good idea I have no clue, but I thank you krnxastudent! It's always helpful to have stuff first hand *nods*
And if the programme changes, then at least you have a baaasic idea.
Welcome to the forums!

Just to let you know, I took the logo off the shirt, since it's copy righted, and the fundraiser, since it's illegal. But the blog itself is legal, I got confirmation. And enjoy. I will try to update twice every week.
Well said mom3boys.
I find it hard to believe that a USMA plebe has so much free time but this one has broken several rules -
Don't put anything on the internet that you would not want your CoC to see.
Beast changes from year to year. The class of 2012 had a schedule that was unlike the Class of 2011.
Don't give away the farm.
There is ALOT more to West Point than Beast. Over 90% of entering new cadets are accepted into the Corps on A-Day.

It's horrible that you're criticizing this guy for posting such an amazing in-depth blog about his West Point experience. You should be appreciating the fact that he has taken the time to tell future West Point cadets about what they should expect and how to prepare for the upcoming challenges.
..I don't mean to bring down the ship, but -- there is a lot of incorrect, actually misleading information.

and just a mom, to answer your question, one of the comments on his articles states that this guy actually Dropped, he's no longer a cadet.

I appreciate the entreprenurialism with the $10 monthly ads, but this doesn't seem like the subject for it...
Two things -
1. Yes, the cadet did indeed leave the avademy. No plebe has the time to put up a blog such as this. There is not one extra second in the day for it. I think he told me that somewhere along the way that he started if after he started outprocessing and quit going to class.

2. The experience is Beast is highly individual. What is challenging for one New Cadet may not be challenging for another. The fact is - you all will be removed from your "comfort zone" but probably not at the same place in Beast.