FYI: Calendar Dates

What else(not of the edible sort) could you give a plebe for his birthday if it is during Reorgy week? Are Plebes allowed to have other "stuff"?
Last year reorgy week was after A-day so plebes could have food or other things. Since reorgy is prior to A-day this year they may still be restricted on what items they can have. That would be a good question to ask via plebe-net once R-day has passed.

I know that money and gift cards will always be welcome. Also any items that they did not take to R-day with them, but they may have found they would like to have, such as: a multi-tool, a durable watch (no metal bands), a small battery operated alarm clock, a picture frame with pictures from home (a collage of many pictures is great but no larger than an 8x10 frame), and boot socks. After Beast they are allowed to have books too.

Even during Beast you can send some limited items that aren’t edible. In the first phone call home my son asked for some boot socks and shoe inserts for his low quarters. He had to open the box in front of the cadre so they could see it wasn’t food or any other restricted items, but he was allowed to have what he asked me to send. The best thing to do is when he/she calls at the halfway point of Beast (they usually get more time to talk then), ask what they need or want.

During the first year the items I have given my son for his birthday and Christmas were very limited since they can’t have much of what a typical college kid has in his room. He ended up with mostly money.
From what we were told last year, digital picture frames are not allowed. There are limited electrical outlets in each room.

Stick to the 8x10 frame that is allowed. I suggest you create a collage using multiple digital pictures. You may be able to put 2 pages in one frame and your cadet can switch them out periodically.
Prospective candidates are ordered to drop their bags when they report during R-Day...a really fun experience I am told and even repeated several times until the bag is dropped correctly. :biggrin: Aren't those digital frames heavy? And require electricity? And attention when they malfunction? After getting dropped a few times that digital frame might need some warranty work.

A good low tech alternative is four or five pictures piled one on top of the other and placed into an unbreakable plastic frame. The top picture can then be swapped out with the lower picture. Or maybe make a collage of several small pictures? Just a suggestion...

My son took a plastic 8 x 10 frame with one picture. I have no idea if it made it into his barracks room for Beast or if he even packed it...this thought just occurred to me - horrors! That bag was suspiciously light when I think about it! I did send replacement 8 x10s periodically during Beast. My favorite was the collage of all our pets. It sure did make me feel better to send pictures. I was feeling useful everytime I mailed a picture for that frame. :wink:
Sense of Humor

I absolutely love the sense of humor you great parents have!!

Now I will give you all something to chuckle about. Our son, the "to-be-18 yr old just finished with Beast when his birthday hits," just informed me all he wants for his birthday on 19 Aug. is a package of Cuban Cigars!!! Yah, right. Like this tea-totalling, non-smoking mom has any clue where one would even buy such creatures!

Keep in mind, said new cadet candidate can't even stand to be around cigarette smoke without feeling sick. So I imagine cadre would have some fun with this, huh??? Or would they overlook his new stash if he shared with them? :shake: :yllol:
There are more than a few humidors in cadet rooms in the barracks! Wait till Christmas when you get the pictures of the cadets (male and female) smoking the tradiontal cigars after Christmas dinner -- it is the first time the plebes are allowed to "fall out" with the upperclassman, and is thoroughly enjoyed by all!