General Questions Part 2


5-Year Member
Oct 10, 2011
Hello again. I am back with more questions to have you (hopefully) answer. They are as follows:

What are we allowed to take to the USNA in the way of electronics? (game systems, cell phones, mp3 players, etc.)
Do we wear uniforms during class?
How long is each class?
How long is each meal?
In what style are meals served?
Are we allowed subscriptions to magazines?
Will we be given time between each class to head back to Bancroft Hall (?) to switch out textbooks and such?
Do we even have textbooks?
What are materials we can be expected to bring?
What is strictly off limits?
Will we make friends?
Are we expected to make friends?
Am I getting somewhat annoying?

Thanks in advance!
-As a plebe, no game systems or Mp3 players. Cell phones are allowed after plebe summer. After plebe year, all of those are permitted.
-Uh, yes.
-50 minutes
-Too short if you have something to do afterwards. Usually 20-30 minutes is allotted if there's something mandatory after.
-Family style in squads, except for "rolling tray" (where you sit with random people, but again family style) which is a couple times a week.
-Yes, but you won't have time to do so.
-Notebooks (paper or non-paper variety, if you so choose), pens/pencils, texts. Whatever you'd need for class anywhere else. Again, THIS IS COLLEGE.
-Many things. In short, don't add or subtract to the population.
-I certainly hope so.
-Yes. Unless you're completely unbearable, it'd be strange not to.

To clarify on the last response, these are all things you don't have to worry about right now. I understand your curiosity, but these are very nitpicky details. If you really did feel like you needed to know the answers, search around the forums and absorb information because most of this has been hashed out before. Take the initiative and do some reading.
For the OP --

Make sure you understand the difference b/t a SA and ROTC. The former is a military environment, 24/7. The latter is mostly civilian college with some military thrown in. Both are great officer accession programs but each has a very different approach.
I must say, I was somewhat startled over the first response, but not very surprised. Anyways, thank you for bearing with me, and also thank you for telling me the truth in the last question. To speedy, thanks for the link, I will check it out. To usna1985, not what I was asking, although I realize now I needed to know it.
Yeah, you guys are right. I didn't look around before I posted. Apologies.
It's a bad, immature habit, i.e. wanting someone else to do your homework. In class, it's called cheating. Now that you recognize it, work to get beyond it.

As one coach said well and succinctly, "Life is habit."

It's way better and easier developing good ones than trying to correct bad ones. Ask a any alcoholic or habitual fibber.
Thank you for your advice, I will work hard to do my own work.