Geographical representation element to ROTC?


Proud parent of an ANG, USNA X2, and a MidSib
5-Year Member
Apr 9, 2017
A question: do ROTC scholarship programs aim to achieve geographical representation similar to the academies? Or are their national scholarships awarded on strictly a competitive basis? Does anyone know for certain?

I ask from a curiosity and understanding standpoint. DS received an appointment early-ish for USNA, and we recognize that we are not a competitive state, so that was for sure helpful. While he is spectacular to us, he is also only similar and average to all these other amazing candidates. The more I learn about this whole thing, it seems the ROTC scholarship programs could be viewed as more of a true national competition due to the structure of the academy process (namely mom’s and required geo representation). DS received both AFROTC and NROTC first rounds. I cannot put my finger on why he would, in all his ‘averageness’ as compared to everyone else, receive these national competitive awards unless there perhaps is a geo element to the ROTC awards? Or perhaps he really does have something special that they see in him, and he is indeed nationally competitive. Just something I have been pondering of late.

It is truly HUMBLING to be among such AMAZING people!!! In my time here on the forums reading posts from parents....I can see where these student get it from as the parents here are also amazing. All of these gifted students deserve so much and it’s wonderful to watch them achieving such high goals whether plan A’s or B’s or beyond!! Such amazing people, I’m in awe of them, and it’s a pleasure and honor seeing the beginnings of their spectacular journeys.

Editing to add: younger bro is primarily interred in ROTC at this point as a sophomore.
1st - your son is not average. His choice to serve our Nation puts him in the exceptional category. The vast majority of our young adults do not make this choice, or they are not qualified to do so.

2nd - your support of your son puts you in a special category as well. Thank you.

3rd - Earning USNA appointment, AFROTC and NROTC scholarships is quite the accomplishment - NOT AVERAGE.

4th - I am pretty certain the AFROTC and NROTC scholarships have no geographic restrictions, requirements, or goals. These ARE National competitions. NROTC scholarships do have school selection component - some fill up quickly.
Note: The "required geo distribution" affects at most, half of the incoming class. The half is the Congressional and Senatorial portion of nominations but all of them don't always get used/filled within their state/district. The rest of the space in the class (greater than half) goes on a fairly national basis.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
There are always go to be people who are smarter than you, have better leadership qualities than you, be a better athlete than you and so on. Thje hard part is finding people who do it all well. That may be your average son. He has all these atrributes and while you may find someone who is smarter or has better grades, they may not have everyrthing else your son has. Look at Bruce Jenner (no jokes) when he won the Decathalon during the Olympics. While he won the event, he didnt come close to winning every individual event, He just had to be great on every event, he didnt have to win each event.
There are always go to be people who are smarter than you, have better leadership qualities than you, be a better athlete than you and so on. Thje hard part is finding people who do it all well. That may be your average son. He has all these atrributes and while you may find someone who is smarter or has better grades, they may not have everyrthing else your son has. Look at Bruce Jenner (no jokes) when he won the Decathalon during the Olympics. While he won the event, he didnt come close to winning every individual event, He just had to be great on every event, he didnt have to win each event.

This is SUCH a great and spot on analogy! DS actually is a decathlete! We even say “He is not amazing at one individual event but really good at a lot of them”. Had not thought of that in terms of his overall candidate package. Great point.

All the kids pursuing this path are above average. They are all hero’s. We just attended and witnessed his good buddy take the oath entering the National Guard. So proud of all these people choosing to serve.

And yes I do believe ROTC scholarships are more selective and competitive nationally. Kind of apples and oranges as far at the process of attaining one vs an appointment. It’s sure been an eye-opener.
Gosh, I've learned so much the last 6 or so months! I initially felt that a USNA appointment would be more difficult than an NROTC scholarship. However, after reading this and some other threads and thinking about the salient points that have been made, I believe it's the other way around now. National competition without geographic restriction does-- to me-- makes me think that those who get the NROTC ss are the best package overall, in the country; whereas USNA appointment could be the same, but one may also be appointed because you're the only kid that year in "x" district/state who applied. Not trying to say anything negative toward anyone of these amazing kids (and parents!) who have been appointed or won a scholarship; every single one of these kids I'M SURE are amazing and deserving!
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
I agree with this for NROTC, but not for AROTC, probably due to large number of scholarships that Army gives over the other branches. I don't have knowledge of AFROTC to comment.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
I agree with this for NROTC, but not for AROTC, probably due to large number of scholarships that Army gives over the other branches. I don't have knowledge of AFROTC to comment.
Most of the scholarhips for AFROTC are for STEM degrees so i have to imagine that averge scores are pretty high
I agree with this for NROTC, but not for AROTC, probably due to large number of scholarships that Army gives over the other branches. I don't have knowledge of AFROTC to comment.
Your probably right. The only ROTC stats I've seen were for NROTC.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
ROTC program GPAs and SATs being higher than USNA selectees really depends on where in the country you're talking about. Try some of the really competitive districts like much of Northern Virginia, Northern NJ, and many others. Just about every USNA selectee that I know from those areas who also applied to NROTC were also offered NROTC scholarships.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
ROTC program GPAs and SATs being higher than USNA selectees really depends on where in the country you're talking about. Try some of the really competitive districts like much of Northern Virginia, Northern NJ, and many others. Just about every USNA selectee that I know from those areas who also applied to NROTC were also offered NROTC scholarships.
Probably so, but the stats only show the national averages for both USNA and NROTC.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
ROTC program GPAs and SATs being higher than USNA selectees really depends on where in the country you're talking about. Try some of the really competitive districts like much of Northern Virginia, Northern NJ, and many others. Just about every USNA selectee that I know from those areas who also applied to NROTC were also offered NROTC scholarships.
The phrase I used was "the average". Of course some are always higher, and some are lower. But "the average" encompasses the entire nation.
Yeah, the ROTC programs are truly a national competition. If you were to investigate you would find ROTC program GPAs and SATs, on average, are a bit higher than the academies. That's the national competition part coming through.
ROTC program GPAs and SATs being higher than USNA selectees really depends on where in the country you're talking about. Try some of the really competitive districts like much of Northern Virginia, Northern NJ, and many others. Just about every USNA selectee that I know from those areas who also applied to NROTC were also offered NROTC scholarships.
The phrase I used was "the average". Of course some are always higher, and some are lower. But "the average" encompasses the entire nation.
"The Average" also includes enlisted people who are coming in via NAPS, children of Medal of Honor Awardees, Football recruits and other people who are not really competing on their academics/test scores.