“These cookies/brownies are awful” said a Cadet never.
My DD is part of the CPRC and I agree, no gift is needed! We did give a Gift Card to her host when she did her overnight. It wasn't expected , at all, but it is just a nice gesture. My DD's only "perk" is they don't get inspected, lolY'all: stop the gifting!! The cadets who host overnight visits have applied for and been selected to a program called CPRC (cadet public relations council). They want to do this. The big perk for CPRC is sometimes going home early to speak at schools, etc. They want to show people around and host. Anything more than baked goods is overkill.
...quite a few of my friends are cadettes at USMA...
Any suggestions on a token gift for the candidate who will host my DD for an overnight visit to USMA?