Girls State

Nov 28, 2018
I just was notified that I was the most nominated for the Girls State spot for my school. I have accepted it, registered, and I am so excited to go since it doesn’t interfere with SLE(USMA) Session 2(which I will be attending too)! I live in TN, so I’ll be attending the Volunteers Girls State. Do the programs vary from one another? Any tips? What happens there? How can I be competitive for a position? Etc!?

Thank you in advance for all the information and tips:)
I went to boys state last year, and from what I've heard girls and boys state are pretty similar. Best piece of advice I got before I went was to run for office the first day they let you, and to go for senator or representative. For one, senators and reps have some of the most fun and avoid most of the conventions (thank God), and secondly they are relatively easy to get because most people are either too shy to run that early in the week or want another position that's elected later. Plus, at least as far as Texas Boys State went, less than a 1/3 of the statesmen there actually get elected to a position, and getting to put that on my resume really helped me as far as a nomination went. Good luck and have fun at girls state!
I have merged these threads and left it in the USMA forum as you are also attending SLE. One post is enough. Good luck.