Grammar Question


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
In writing, is it "West Point Cadet" or "West Point cadet"? I know that "West Point" itself is a proper noun so it should be capitalized and typically "cadet" on its own is not, but does this change when they are used in conjunction?
It doesn’t matter. Don’t sweat it. No one will ding you or dock you for doing either. They’re both right. Neither is wrong.

In a prior life, I was a newspaper reporter. We professionals religiously followed the Associated Press Style Guide, which had very specific and well-reasoned rules for this very situation. In your case (I’m guessing SA/ROTC applications), it matters not. Just don’t misspell anything or make oft-een errors such as “Westpoint” or “West Point Military Academy.” 😬
I love grammar. For your answer, let’s look to the president.

When Do You Capitalize President?​

While the president of the United States may be a very special person, the title itself is treated no different than any other title when it comes to capitalization. Titles such as doctor, manager, or even my own senior editor title are treated the same.

As such, the word president is only capitalized when it directly precedes a person's name or is used in place of a specific person's name. "Introducing President Joe Biden" would be capitalized, but "introducing Joe Biden, president of the United States" would not be.

Similarly, if a reporter asks, "Mr. President, what is your position on grammar rules," it would be capitalized. But if a reporter said, "The president made no comment on grammar," it would be lowercase.
Definitely capitalize when used as a title such as Cadet Smith or as part of another proper noun such as Corps of Cadets. I would put West Point Cadet in proper noun category, due to the way that phrase is commonly used, although it could be argued otherwise.

Strictly speaking cadet should otherwise not be capitalized. However, you can always claim that you are correct in either capitalizing or not capitalizing Cadet/cadet, since West Point uses both forms on its website :cool::
  • Cadet Basic Training (CBT) .......... It trains, instructs, inspires, and transitions new cadets from civilians to cadets, and begins to inculcate the fundamental military skills..........
  • The Department of Physical Education develops warrior leaders of character who are physically fit and mentally tough by engaging Cadets in activities that promote and enhance physical excellence.
Just be consistent within any individual writing piece and only the English Department will notice any infraction. :eek: