Grocery Store Rules of the Road

I had a guy stop in front of me coming into the grocery store last week. He was deeply entranced with a text he was crafting. After counting to 10, I said "any time you're ready - because clearly you work for the President and it's important - so I'll wait."

He came to, turned around and glared, then immediately decided not to say anything and move on.
I think that it may have been the "Go ahead, make my day" look on my face that turned him back around and got him moving.

Life is too short to suffer idiots and fools.
My main grocery store is quite crowded. It's sort of "one way" through an entire maze, and woe to anyone that forgets something and has to do the walk of shame swimming back upstream. It's sort of Candyland-ish with 2 secret cut throughs between the wine and coffee where you can go backwards a bit but have to suffer through seafood and dairy on your way back to the really good bits (prepared foods and desserts). Far better to throw more than your fair share of dessert items in your cart, rather than woulda coulda shoulda later, only to gain even more calories with comfort last minute bulk candies that snake along the under 15 items at check out.
Don't even get me started on that topic!
I think there was a divergent thread here on the forums a few years back. Lots of good peeps on the forum are responsible buggy drivers.
The people who stop in the middle of the entrance to load kids into carts or sanitize their carts. Stay to the side and let people get through. WHY do you have to grab a cart and take it to the absolute worst place to stop and do your admin??!!??