If your refractive error is really -14.00 diopters, then I can not see you getting a waiver from any service academy.
*NOTE* I've been wrong in the past, and I'm sure I will be wrong in the future!!
My first suggestion to you is to see your family optometrist to find out from him/her what your refractive error is. If it appears that the examiner made an error, then I would get copies of your last 3 to 4 years of eye exams and forward those to DoDMERB.
Otherwise, if a service academy or ROTC program is your dream, do not let this stop you in the process. I would continue on, but make sure that you have back-ups. I can not say you will be successful, but I do know that if you do not give it a try you will definitely not get in.
As always, I'm here to answer any questions you may have.