Heroism of Air Force cadet in Va. Tech massacre is officially recognized


15-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2008
"“...When the shooter forced his way into the classroom, Cadet La Porte, in complete disregard for his own safety, unhesitatingly charged the shooter . . . drawing heavy fire at close range and sustaining seven gunshot wounds,” Gay read. “He sacrificed his own life in an attempt to save others...”

Thank you for sharing this Bruno, and may God bless and keep him and his family close.
I believe that stories like this show us all how truly alive heroism really is in this world. May God rest the brave soul of Cadet La Porte.
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself"
Joseph Campbell, American scholar and author

God Bless Cadet La Porte and his family