alright then, best of luck to you too!... I got to say, this really is something I have stived for in my life. A little more about my last message. My friend Michael (mouse as we call him) just came back from paris island to our school on recruitment duty.... he was a year ahead of me, and I got to talking with him... He ask what am i doing after high school (in all seriousness with his recruitment since two years ago he tried to have me come along) and I told him I'm trying for the CGA. He rolls his eyes and says "Cuga! You would do better in the Marines!" I do respect the marines and all he's doing but the coast guard just seems better for me(law inforcement etc.). I have to say though, I did promise him that if I did ever change my mind to go to the marines, I would find him and say he was the one who convinced me. He's in officer training school right now with another friend of mine(King). It seems a large amount of kids from Salesianum this year are trying for military academys or just going into the military. (we did start a military club this year because of this). One of my friends just got into the AFA. Overall, about 12 people I know are trying. Another funny thing was during my Government class. When the question raised was "if there was a draft, who would willingly go into the service" about everyone in my gov class raised their hand (aparently we were the only gov class to do it).