It's been a dream of mine to join the military for quite some time. My parents aren't supportive of my decision to pursue military service and they disapprove of me attending any service academy or ROTC in general. I'm just about done with my applications for NROTC and USNA and my interviews are coming up soon. I have my BGO interview, NROTC interview, DODMERB exam, and nomination interviews within these three upcoming weeks, but my parents won't speak a word regarding any of this. What are my options if they refuse to sign off on it? I'm not 18 yet and I won't be until next fall.
I believe you have to have one parent sign their consent if you will not be 18 on I-Day, unless you are emancipated. And before you consider going down that road, I will just say that having been a military child, spouse, and now mother, it can be a hard life if you don't have the support of your family -- harder than say, if you were a doctor and your parents felt it was the wrong career for you to pursue.
You don't say what your parents' reasons are for objecting -- they could be pacifist, fearful for your safety, anxious thinking about you living a life far from them, etc. I imagine you may have already had several conversations with them about YOUR reasons for pursuing the military. Maybe there is a family member or friend of the family with a military background who could talk to them?