My son interviewed 3 weeks ago with a PMS several hundred miles away at a small school he wants to attend. It isn't a school that a lot of people know about so the demand to attend that school isn't as high as other places. I wanted to take him there to interview versus a large school because I figured he would get a more favorable interview knowing the culture of the school. In other words, the school fits his personality. The PMS didn't disclose a score, but said he scored very high which surprised me because he lacked quite a bit in one area. After he interviewed, I sent a brief thank you email to the PMS for his time since he had to coordinate some logistics for us, and in his reply he stated that my son did very well and provided an idea on the scoring (he didn't disclose the actual score). I think taking him to this particular college was a great decision which helped his interview score. Maybe you have a good reason to drop an email to the PMS to say thank you so that he has a chance to provide feedback?