Exactly, first comes DoDMERB, then the APFT once you get to school. The sooner you pass the APFT, the sooner the ball gets rolling to get the money flowing. We were responsible for paying the first semester's entire cost at The University of North Georgia. (We chose room and board because it is more than tuition, even though it is taxable.) Then our son had things to do at GoArmy.com and the school had things to do before any money came in. He started getting the monthly stipend first, $150.00 every two weeks for freshman. Then came half of the book money, followed by travel reimbursement. He didn't get the room and board reimbursement until late November, just in time for spring tuition. The scholarship money paid the room and board for spring up front this time around, so that was helpful. My point in saying all of this is, plan to pay the cost of room and board AND tuition the first semester. There is no money until you are cleared by DoDMERB and pass the APFT once you get to school. Work hard on sit ups, push ups and the two mile run all summer long so you can knock it out the first time. Then the money will slowly trickle in. The ROTC scholarship has no effect on local scholarships.