How does rolling admissions work?


Dec 5, 2014
I know that BFEs are sent out as decisions are made, but are TWEs also mailed before the notification deadline, or does the USNA wait until the end of the process to mail those out in case they still need to take people from the pool for some reason?

DD got her final Q today from DoDMERB and I was hoping that because she is now 3Q'd that a decision might come soon, but I assume they still have to wait quite a while to get everyone's stats and Q status before they start picking from that big list.

Then again, maybe they know what range of WCS is usually accepted, and either reject certain low scoring candidates, or accept other high scoring candidates as their individual packets are completed. Does anyone know?
TV4caster - TWEs start coming out after mid-Feb. Good luck to your DD and hope she gets a BFE!
TWEs and BFEs follow a concurrent, but slightly different, process.

As a general rule (there are exceptions), the first round of TWEs is for those who failed to complete their packages. Those normally start going out in early February. They are followed by TWEs for candidates who have complete packages but aren't qualified and won't be given NAPS/Foundation, followed shortly by those who are 3 Q'ed without noms and who won't be given a VP or Supe's nom. Those tend to go out in February as well.

During this time, BFEs are going out steadily but not in the same "wave" process that WP uses. Most (NOT ALL) BFEs go out in February through mid-March. Finally, it comes down to 3Q'ed with noms who remain. Some will get BFEs and some will be "victims" of the numbers game and get TWEs or be waitlisted. Those final decisions tend to come in late March through early April. During that time, historically there are more TWEs than BFEs.

Please note the above is based on what usually happens over the course of winter/spring. It is not set in stone.
USNA commits to telling everyone by April 15. Last year, quite a few folks heard in April. They may decide to move up the notifications this year, but I wouldn't count on it. It is true that most (definitely not all) appointees usually hear by late March.