How many days for IDOC?

Just an FYI, since your DS is a Foundation sponsored student, they have a nice dinner for them and families the day before I day! You will get info on that. It’s casual but lots of important people there! Captain Wallace and the Supe was there. It was great!
We can bring coolers and food on to the Yard on I-Day? At what point during the day will our Plebe have a chance to eat/drink what we bring? Sorry to sound silly - it’s just all so new and unknown!
Your plebe will have 20-30 minutes with you after the Oath of Office ceremony which is at the end of the day -- around 5:30 pm. He/she will be dropped off at Alumni Hall at zero-dark-thirty. There will be no formal chance to see him/her again until after the ceremony. Some parents hang around for a glimpse when they transition from Alumni Hall to Bancroft Hall (the dorm).
Make SURE they eat a big, healthy protein breakfast day of. If they are able (might be too nervous). A big dinner the night before too. And hydrate the days before as well. It’s kind of like preparing for a sporting event! I say this Bc lunch can get missed depending on their processing. And it is VERY hot and humid, so lots sweating in those white uniforms. When we got DS after the oath, he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The chances of missing lunch are higher if they have a later report time (DS’s was one of the latest). Bring along a chair or blanket for them to sit on, and a towel to use as a ‘bib’ (DS didn’t do this but good to have just in case). They may be paranoid about spilling on their uniforms. And lots of cold beverages!! We went to Jimmy Johns and got his favorite sub. Not knowing if he would want it or not but he ate that thing in about 3 bites! If you figure (as we did) that you will just grab something for them quick at the Mid Store right before the Oath, think again. The line was forever long and we would have missed the Oath. If this is your plan, go to the store earlier in the day. Remember to have a phone charged (extra battery AND cord) to catch the moment you see them post Oath. It’s a top ten moment. Congrats!!
Make SURE they eat a big, healthy protein breakfast day of. If they are able (might be too nervous). A big dinner the night before too. And hydrate the days before as well. It’s kind of like preparing for a sporting event! I say this Bc lunch can get missed depending on their processing. And it is VERY hot and humid, so lots sweating in those white uniforms. When we got DS after the oath, he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The chances of missing lunch are higher if they have a later report time (DS’s was one of the latest). Bring along a chair or blanket for them to sit on, and a towel to use as a ‘bib’ (DS didn’t do this but good to have just in case). They may be paranoid about spilling on their uniforms. And lots of cold beverages!! We went to Jimmy Johns and got his favorite sub. Not knowing if he would want it or not but he ate that thing in about 3 bites! If you figure (as we did) that you will just grab something for them quick at the Mid Store right before the Oath, think again. The line was forever long and we would have missed the Oath. If this is your plan, go to the store earlier in the day. Remember to have a phone charged (extra battery AND cord) to catch the moment you see them post Oath. It’s a top ten moment. Congrats!!
I guess I am a bad parent.
Wow, I guess I did it all wrong with my son. Didn't plan ahead on the pre-induction nutrition and breakfast was a continental at the hotel. Didn't bring something to sit on after the oath nor did we bring a meal for him. I think he chugged a sip or two out of my wife's ever-present water bottle.
I don't think he missed it either. . . Different strokes for different folks.
I should also be tarred and feathered because we didn't buy, pack and send a care/chow package before we left Annapolis after I Day.
If I am to be banned from this site, I probably deserve it but in my defense, I survived an I-Day where parents dropped off their prospective mids AND LEFT
as there were no big crowds for the oath nor parental visits after the oath. All we got was abuse from the Plebe Detail. Between my roommate and I, i think that we got our
first care/chow package after 3 weeks or so.
It is certainly interesting how the care & feeding aspects have ramped up over the years, as well as parental involvement.

DH took the train from Philly to Baltimore, bus to Annapolis. Walked in Gate 1. No parents anywhere, no I-Day events. Reported in. Saw parents briefly at A-N game, then Christmas. No Thanksgiving break. Saturday classes. No Parents Clubs. No doubt marched uphill both ways ([emoji16]) to class.

Very different today. Not wrong or right, just different.
Wait till you feel the heat at Graduation.
Funny, I don't even remember the heat at Graduation ! Sure , it was hot and humid, but after 4 years you don't even think twice about it.

If I am to be banned from this site, I probably deserve it but in my defense, I survived an I-Day where parents dropped off their prospective mids AND LEFT
+1 -- Mine dropped me off at the Airport and left. (Actually twice -- Reporting to NAPs, and to USNA). Different times !
Wait till you feel the heat at Graduation.
Funny, I don't even remember the heat at Graduation ! Sure , it was hot and humid, but after 4 years you don't even think twice about it.
Same here but I sure do remember the heat and sun at graduation. As an alum and retired officer, I had "special seating" for many events like I Day and graduation. In the case of graduation, we were down on the field in seating near the graduates and thus no overhangs for shade and limited ability to get up and move around for wife and I. The rest of the family was in the stands and had a more comfortable experience.
Don't feel heat as a graduate they are pumped up, but the parents feel it big time. We moved up from our seats to under the overhang which helped for a couple of hours.
I barely remember I-Day. I remember our first sad attempts at saluting, doing left-face and right-face and about-face in the gym in the (non-running) shoes that we wore and (for women) in our skirts. Remember eating and thinking we had to keep our eyes in the boat when we didn't yet have to. Being hot. Being apprehensive. Not much else.

I don't remember the meeting with my parents. I know they didn't bring food or anything to sit on. It was fine.

Parents . . . relax! Don't worry about not doing something right. Some plebes have parent(s) who can't attend for various reasons. Some plebes may not even have parents. It's OK. USNA will ensure they're taken care of. The military is good at that. Seriously.
I remember a lot of I day. So lost and confused, but excited. I went solo. Probably half of us did. No phone call home to mom and dad after the oath. Us solo folks stood around and talked to each other awkwardly then tried to find our way back to our rooms that took 2 hours because we couldn’t walk farther than 3 feet without pushups totally lost. No form up and march in so no one gets lost like they do now. As march in is for effect, it’s actually a logistics fix and to get them to dinner fast. Bancroft all looks the same and you have 1200+ dazed Plebes lost. Now they tell them to find their number and go stand there. It took hours to sort Plebes out to the floors. Parents didn’t send stuff until they got the mandatory post card with our new mailing address (still have that post card... hand writing looked like I was 4). All these suggestions are great, but really they will all be fine without a sub, snack, Gatorade, blanket to sit on, care package on day 2. I have worked about 10 I Days for my buddies company. It’s a blast and honestly not much has changed at all. They have made some minor changes like their own running shoes and Gatorade at meals which I think are great moves for shin splints and heat casualties. If we survived without all of it, so will generations to come.
Don't feel heat as a graduate they are pumped up, but the parents feel it big time. We moved up from our seats to under the overhang which helped for a couple of hours.

Sitting on the field is surreal. It’s like ‘are we really here? Do they know I am here and are going to say just kidding?’ Plus the sea of white is blinding, we are exhausted and most hungover. It’s a week of parties, wedding preps, families, moving. It’s a week of chaos. It’s exhausting and we are excited all at once.
I remember a lot of I day. So lost and confused, but excited. I went solo. Probably half of us did. No phone call home to mom and dad after the oath. Us solo folks stood around and talked to each other awkwardly then tried to find our way back to our rooms that took 2 hours because we couldn’t walk farther than 3 feet without pushups totally lost. No form up and march in so no one gets lost like they do now. As march in is for effect, it’s actually a logistics fix and to get them to dinner fast. Bancroft all looks the same and you have 1200+ dazed Plebes lost. Now they tell them to find their number and go stand there. It took hours to sort Plebes out to the floors. Parents didn’t send stuff until they got the mandatory post card with our new mailing address (still have that post card... hand writing looked like I was 4). All these suggestions are great, but really they will all be fine without a sub, snack, Gatorade, blanket to sit on, care package on day 2. I have worked about 10 I Days for my buddies company. It’s a blast and honestly not much has changed at all. They have made some minor changes like their own running shoes and Gatorade at meals which I think are great moves for shin splints and heat casualties. If we survived without all of it, so will generations to come.

Well in our situation, DS hadn’t eaten all day. Got tied up somewhere in the process and missed lunch. And hydration. He is a big guy, an athlete. He hadn’t been offered food to that point, felt a little faint. I’m not an overly protective mother by any means. But we did listen and do a few things we read suggested here and from our state parent rep. We were very glad we had something for him to eat, he was famished and THIRSTY! Still didn’t have a room assigned yet. Ya I know it’ll be 10 times worse in the field. But now the norm is to participate as we did. I would guess 95pct of the kids had family in attendance, if not more. Those that didn’t were grabbed by a family and included. It’s just how it is now. We did have a blanket, he didn’t use it. He stood there swallowing that sandwich, gulping that cold beverage, telling us about his day, and how amazing the place is. All after we did a very meaningful private oath with his retired colonel uncle on the steps of the chapel. One of the most treasure videos I will ever have.
Locals-- sponsors, alumni, even just USNA supporters-- will be waiting at the Mexican Monument after the swearing-in with snacks, drinks, and cell phones to lend to unaccompanied Plebes to call home. I've been there every year for a long time. Sometimes a Plebe doesn't want to call home, and sometimes one has tried every number they can think of and couldn't reach anyone. If you're sending your Plebe to I Day alone, answer calls from unfamiliar numbers! It may be your Plebe trying to connect one last time before the doors slam behind them all.