HS Junior Applying


New Member
Nov 16, 2019
I'm a junior in high school, and I was told I can start applying for AFA on March 1st. I was wondering what I can do prior to that.. contact admissions counselor, contact my ALO (if so, how do I find them)? Should I just be focusing on boosting up my extracurriculars and grades, or is there more I can do?
Admissions is likely very busy this time of year. ALOs are doing evaluations of candidates. You could try reaching out, although I'm not sure what they could tell you.
Since you are a junior and the school year is only 1/4 way through, you should really try to get your course grades to As across the board and keep them that way. Towards the new year, focus on your SAT/ACT and get them as high as possible. You don't "boost up" ECAs. If you are involved in many many many ECAs just to check boxes, I would recommend you pick 2-4 that mean the most to you and try to get leadership positions in them. Do community service. But of course, don't forget to have fun!
Another thing, you started several threads all at one time. I'm not mod or admin, but I'm not sure if they would appreciate that. Personally, I would suggest you make one thread with all your questions. Just for future reference.
If you need letters of recommendation or evaluation from a current teacher be sure to establish a relationship with them now. And if you need a letter for summer session warn them now so they know there's a spring deadline.
If you need letters of recommendation or evaluation from a current teacher be sure to establish a relationship with them now. And if you need a letter for summer session warn them now so they know there's a spring deadline.
Quick question from another HS junior- Is there a recommendation form the teachers have to fill out? Or is it free write?
Quick question from another HS junior- Is there a recommendation form the teachers have to fill out? Or is it free write?

For USAFA, you enter the evaluators’ email in your application. They will be emailed a link that will give them access to the online forms.

There is an option to provide up to two letters of recommendation. I think these are “free write” in that a pdf can be uploaded or comments typed directly into a webpage to which the USAFA will give access.

My DD submitted 2 other names as the optional LORs.
For USAFA, you enter the evaluators’ email in your application. They will be emailed a link that will give them access to the online forms.

There is an option to provide up to two letters of recommendation. I think these are “free write” in that a pdf can be uploaded or comments typed directly into a webpage to which the USAFA will give access.

My DD submitted 2 other names as the optional LORs.
Do you know if the required form ones can be from the same person as the free write optional ones?
Do you know if the required form ones can be from the same person as the free write optional ones?
No. The person/people who write(s) a LOR (free write) cannot be one of your evaluators.
Evaluators = required. They fill out a form
LOR (Letter of recommendation) = optional. This is like any standard LOR you would ask for a civilian college or even a job.
Do you know if the required form ones can be from the same person as the free write optional ones?

The instructions for the optional
LORs specifically say the writers cannot be from one of the required evals.