My daughter is an Air Force ROTC scholarship recipient. She put on her medical questionnaire that she had been treated for hyperhidrosis. (Sweating of the palms and feet) I did not think she should put it on there because I did not think it was relevant. Much to my surprise hyperhidrosis is a disqualifying condition. She got her disqualification letter last Saturday. This condition is cosmetic and has never hindered her from pursuing an activity or interest. She was Athlete of the Year at her school. She has eight varsity letters in the sports of cross country and soccer. No teachers, coaches or JROTC instructors were aware of her condition as it never affected performance. She will automatically be considered for a waiver. What do we do right now? Do we just wait to hear from DoDMERB? I did speak with her dermatologist and he will not write a letter until he knows specifically what it is about this condition that is disqualifying. I think he is looking for DoDMERB to come back and ask some pointed qustions about it. He says writing a blanket statement about it will not help. Maybe we need a second opinion. Any input would be most helpful. I'm at my wits end.