Profile of Midshipmen
It takes a special kind of young man or woman to handle the Naval Academy’s demanding program, but that doesn’t mean all midshipmen are alike. Midshipmen come from all 50 states, U.S. territories and several foreign countries. They have roots in cities, suburbs, farms and ranches, small towns and military bases. They have talents and hobbies of every kind and personalities that fi t every description, and they represent the diverse ethnic and cultural heritages that, together, make the United States a great nation. Some characteristics seem to be common among Naval Academy midshipmen, however. The charts on these pages show you that midshipmen are good students, leaders in their high schools and communities and participants in competitive sports. But other common qualities of midshipmen don’t show up in statistics. The young men and women who choose the Naval Academy are looking for more than a college degree. They like the idea of being challenged mentally, physically and morally. They are people who don’t want to settle for the ordinary, the routine or the easy.
Midshipmen also want to serve their country in a meaningful way—in a profession that helps preserve our nation’s freedoms.
Finally, midshipmen are young people who look to the future. They look forward to the challenging Naval Academy program, as well as the opportunities open to them in the Navy and Marine Corps after graduation.
Applicants and Nominees
Applicants (includes nominees) ................12,003
Number of applicants with an
official nomination ..................................3,827
Nominees qualifi ed scholastically,
medically and in physical aptitude ..........1,893
Offers of admission ....................................1,448
Admitted ....................................................1,202
Combined Scholastic Assessment Test I (SAT-1) and
American College Testing (ACT) Program Scores
Score Range Verbal Math
>700 (31-36) 23% 30%
600-699 (26-30) 46% 54%
<600 (<26) 31% 16%
Rank in High School Class
First fifth ..........................................78.0%
Second fifth ......................................15.3%
Third fifth ......................................... 5.1%
Fourth fifth ........................................1.3%
Fifth fifth ........................................... 0.3%
Previous College and Prep School
The Class of 2011 includes 28.3 percent (340) from college
and post-high school preparatory programs which include:
202 from the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) in
Newport, R.I.; 20 from the Nuclear Power School Program in
Charleston, S.C. (none having previously attended college);
67 from the U.S. Naval Academy Foundation Program; (43
from private preparatory schools and 24 from colleges under
Foundation sponsorship; and 51 additional students have
completed at least six months of study at a college or university
(43), or a private preparatory school (8).
Military Background
The Class of 2011 includes 86 midshipmen who previously served
as enlisted members of the Navy (63) or Marine Corps (23).
This fi gure includes 16 who entered directly from Fleet Service
(12 USN, 4 USMC), 20 from Nuclear Power School and
50 from NAPS (31 USN, 19 USMC).
Geographical Distribution
Midshipmen were admitted from every state in the nation, as
well as Washington, D.C., and Guam. The Class of 2011 also
includes nine international students from the following countries:
Albania, Azerbaijan, Belize, Federated States of Micronesia,
Lithuania, Madagascar, Singapore, and Tunisia (2).
School Honors and Activities
Student body/council/government
president or vice president ........................... 8.3%
Class president or vice president ..................... 11.6%
School club president or vice president ........... 35.2%
School publication staff .................................. 22.7%
National Honor Society ................................. 62.0%
Varsity athletics .............................................. 90.9%
Varsity letter winner ....................................... 84.2%
Dramatics, public speaking, debating ............. 88.4%
Eagle Scout/Gold Award ................................ 11.0%
Boys/Girls State or Nation ..............................15.5%
Reserve Offi cer Training Program .................... 13.7%
Sea Cadets ........................................................ 3.0%
Minorities and Women
The Class of 2011 includes 24.2% (291) minority midshipmen
with ethnic backgrounds as follows: African American (60),
Hispanic (132), Asian American (62), Native American (28)
and Hawaiian/Pacifi c Islanders (9).
The Class of 2011 includes 20.9% (251) women.
Sons and Daughters of Alumni
The Class of 2011 includes 55 sons and 16 daughters of Naval
Academy alumni (5.9 percent of the class). One is the daughter
of a female Naval Academy graduate (0.08 percent).