IB & sports (scholastically/phys qualified?)

Oh thatone... I read that one and it was one of my 'no way!s'. I stumbled on the objective knowledge when trying to understand the q and I realised I would go into a loooong discussion of what is objective knowledge and what isn't which would have lead into what is truth? which would have lead to precisely nowhere.

I don't either :mad: I just copy-paste them in :smile:

TWinter said:
Well no, because I have applied for the Class of 2013. Why do you not graduate until June? Our exams finish in May... and they should everwhere

I applied for c/o 2013 too.
Our graduation ceremony is June 6th. I didn't mention June?
And yes or course our exams also end in May... my last is Chem P3 on Tuesday, May 19th 2009... that is an amazing day!! :biggrin: Less than 6months to go wooo!
Damn I'm going crazy! EE, CAS, Cross Country, IB, College Apps! It's killing me lol.

But yeah, in that case, I'll see you then, and si podemos hablar castellano I-day.
You're captain of two varsity teams and haven't finished your CAS yet? You must have like 500 hours of Action :thumb:
I love it that how today was the 125hr CAS deadline and most G12s were running around, freaking out asking everyone in their path how they could get their missing 12 hours of, say, Service and I totally missed the whole fact we even had a deadline :Benny_monkeysmilies

CAS was my fave part of the IB... along with all the insiders :shake:

Stick it out, you wouldn't have a 37 predicted if you weren't up to it :thumb:
Welll... I am WAY over CAS hours for action and creative. But I don't have like the 25 minimum or whatever in service. So that's stressing me out just a tad. But all in all, not bad. My girlfriend keeps me calm lol
E-mail from my CAS supervisor:

"Just a friendly reminder that you are missing a CAS essay draft and 13.5 service hours. Next time it won't be friendly."
2 Nominations and hoping for 3rd?

Hi TWinter,
I am curious why you are desirous of collecting nominations. You only need ONE. Do you have a letter of assurance or hopefullly at least a academically qualified letter. With IB and those board scores I would think you would be fine as far as the Academy is concerned. What IB school are you at? Who is your Representative?
Good Luck and hope you get your appointment
Well, Bambino, I want those nominations for multiple reasons.

First of all, on the USNA admissions website, Nominations section, they say that all candidates should seek as many nominations as possible, as it helps their application.

Second, my BGO has routinely reminded me that the more Nominations I get, the more likely it is that I gain entry to the academy.

As to the letter of assurance/academics I have not received one. While this is dissapointing, it's not heartbreaking, as I am certain that not all 1,200 midshipmen receive letters of assurance.

Does anything else need clarifying?
No more clarification on my part is necessary. However, your research is flawed. The Academies encouragement to apply for as many nominations as possible is based on their desire to maximize your chances to get one-more than one is superfluous; and actually confuses the system as it is designed. The design of the law and the Academies is to spread the Appoinments across Congressional Districts, thereby attempting to get a microcosm of the Country represented at the Academy. The MOC's want to maximaize their numbers at the SA's to have bragging rights for their Districts and States. These two ideals are acting in contrast to each other. Your ONE nomination is sufficient to meed the requirements of the SA and the law, and now it is up to DODMERB and the Academy Admissions Board to decide if you are otherwise qualified to represent them with an Appointment. I hope your BGO is correct; I feel you are relying on the Congressinal Selection Committees decisions to bolster your chances for what is ultimately the Academies decision.
I am a bit surprised that you do not have a LOA, to date. You certainly have great "numbers". However, as a USNA alumnus and very knowledgeable of the system, "numbers" are only part of the equation. I truly wish you the best in the remaining process.
Hi Katia,
I am not sure how much longer LOAs are offered. Have you checked with the CGO for that info?
Whoa, thats crazy. I thought the system worked like this:

Candidate gets nomination. Package is brought before the Admissions Commitee or Board or however that works. Decision is made.

If that doesn't go well, but the candidate has ANOTHER nomination, then his/her file is reviewed again. Later in the process, there is a chance that the package is more competetive.

Oh well, does that mean I should deny my nomination from Lewis (my congressman) or cancel a Senator's nomination?

TW - just respectfully decline to go to the MOC interview, and ask them to void your nom app. I doubt you can cancel (who would fill up your slot?) and anyways, cancelling sounds kinda bad.
CGO is Candidate Guidance Office or Admissions. Good Luck to you!
I'm shooting for a 43 (at LEAST 40, I'm sorry, otherwise all this stress is a waste of 2 years! :mad: :shake:)

What are these points that everybody is talking about? i tried to look it up but didn't find anything...

In the International Baccalaureate (IB), there is no A to F scale. Instead, you are graded on a 1-7 scale, with 7 being the highest score. You take six classes, which means the maximum possible score is 42. BUT, there are two core requirements (actually three, but one doesn't affect your score) which are Extended Essay (4,000 word original research paper) and Theory of Knowledge (a particular overview of philosophy and how all areas of knowlede interact, such as Math and English). Those two requirements are based on a A,B,C,D, Uncomplete scale. Via a grading system, you can achieve up to 3 bonus points (from getting two As) that go to the point total. This brings the maximum possible up to 45.

Higher Level subjects are roughly equivalent to college courses, and Standard Level subjects are roughly equivalent to AP courses.

This is sortof a rough and ready scale, and is not entirely accurate (and does not account for weighted GPAs)
7 = A+
6 = A
5 = B+
4 = B
3 = C
2 = D
1 = F
Do not cancel nom interviews...go after all possible. You will probably never know who is charged w/ your nom...but having several gives the academy some flexibility with regards to other candidates. That is why they say to seek all noms; if they thought you should stop after you obtain one, they would tell you to.
It's also a two year programme where you take the same classes for the two years, with the same classmates and same teacher (generally).

Like TW said, one has 6 classes + TOK (basically how do we know that we know something?). One can take 7, but then one has to choose which of the 7 subjects will not count towards the IB Diploma (so say you reeeeally want to take a 4th language or drama but already have your 6 subjects, then you take a 7th... at the beginning of senior year when you register for the exams you have to decide which 6 will count towards the IBD and which one won't).

TOK (theory of knowledge) matters because it, in conjunction with the EE (Extended Essay), gives you a maximum of 3 bonus points (which I heard yesterday aren't easy to get :confused::mad:). ToK is graded on the A-E (E='incomplete') scale throughout the year (in-class essays and class participation); when it counts for the 3 bonus pts, the tok component is worked out by the average of what you got on the ToK presentation (I did How do we gain knowledge from dreams? [the sleeping kind]) and the ToK essay (choose one of 10 prescribed titles).

The points to letters translation TW gave is ok but is deeefinitely not fixed! 7 I'd put more to be an A** for HL classes (and maybe an A* only for SL?), and a 6 can be anywhere between a 'B++' and an A.
But 3, 2 and 1 all equal an F. To pass a HL course, one needs > (or equal to) 4points, and I think for SL > (or equal to) 3????? points

-->the 3 bonus points "grading system" TW wrote about is this thing:
http://www.rism.ac.th/Hs/ib website/IB Extended Essay_EE_TOK_Matrix.htm

Plus, there are all sorts of rules to what actually constitutes passing the IB:

wikipedia said:
Diploma conditions:

In order to be awarded the full IB Diploma the following requirements must have been met:

* at least three subjects are completed at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL).
o should four subjects be completed at HL then only two need be completed at SL.
* all six subjects have been awarded a numerical grade higher than 1, with a minimum total score of 24.
* the CAS (Creativity - Action - Service; community service) requirement of 150 hours has been completed
* the Extended Essay and TOK course have been completed and essays submitted.
o additionally a grade D or better has been awarded in either the Extended Essay or TOK.
* if the overall score is 24-27, there is no grade 2 at HL and not more than one grade 2 at SL; if the overall score is greater than or equal to 28, not more than one grade 2 at HL and no more than two grades 2 at SL; altogether, there are no more than three grades 3 or below
* at least 12 points (12 for overall score 24-27; 16 if four HL subjects are taken) have been gained on HL subjects, and 9 (6 if only two SL subjects are taken) on SL subjects
* the final award committee has not judged the candidate to be guilty of malpractice
Diploma conditions
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