Wow... I am touched to read the many fantastic responses this thread has received since my original post! It supplies some much needed encouragement given my current situation, as described:
I've been feeling more than discouraged. The atmosphere surrounding this endeavour of mine is, even after several serious, sit-down family talks, is almost... hostile. The only reason my mom remains the only neutral and not disapproving person is because she knows my dad (who died from cancer last year) would have encouraged my efforts and been supportive. The overused phrase around here is: "you're a scholar, not a soldier" and, although they don't doubt my ability to persevere, they do not quite appreciate my motivation (see post on page 1).
It especially bothers me that my grandpa scoffs at the thought of my applying to usma. He is a 3-star general (retired) in the Chinese army and his disapproval lowers my morale twofold, though he is from a different culture entirely.
There is a constant pressure for me to terminate this goal of mine, and especially coming from a tight-knit family, I cannot help but consider this disapproval very seriously.
I feel the strong urge to talk to some sort of admissions officer, albeit a local one, about my long-term prospects, of course, but for some much needed re-assurance.
Any ideas? I'm totally open to anything from y'all, and sorry for the diatribe