Is EILO disqualifying?


USAFA Cadet, Co 2025
Oct 8, 2020
I'm not sure if this is the right place, since I'm already at the Academy, but would a diagnosis of exercise induced laryngeal obstruction be disqualifying or get someone medically disenrolled?
When did you get the diagnosis? :wiggle:
OK, well "hypothetically" (but not something that someone talks about hypothetically), the Cadet Clinic will "hypothetically" evaluate you..."hypothetically" treat you...and then make a determination about the specifics on your "hypothetical" case and the fact of how it "hypothetically" effects your functioning.

If revealed prior to entering the Academy, someone having this condition would be DQ and the Academy would, if "competitive for an offer of appointment," consider for a medical waiver :wiggle:
Maybe a friend was diagnosed it, and OP was trying to find information anonymously.

The not so hypothetical story: Since middle school, I've always been more out of breath while exercising, but coaches, parents, etc. told me it was normal and not a problem. Since getting here though, two upperclassmen recommended I see the Clinic about it. I just wasn't sure what would happen if I did see the Clinic about it, which I will.
Ahhhh, that's a different and more reaslistic question. They will be looking to treat you, if warranted. They will NOT be looking to separate you. I used to run 13 miles a day, out to Camp Buckner and back. No problemo...But when I got back to KACH, walking up the 3 flights of stairs back to the office, THAT had me winded:wiggle:
This leaves me speechless.
The not so hypothetical story: Since middle school, I've always been more out of breath while exercising, but coaches, parents, etc. told me it was normal and not a problem. Since getting here though, two upperclassmen recommended I see the Clinic about it. I just wasn't sure what would happen if I did see the Clinic about it, which I will.
Get off of WEBMD and see a physician if you are concerned.