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- Oct 17, 2016
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Im asking because I've seen other people talk about how a simple surgery a few years ago got them disqualified and I don't know if it'll get in the way at all. It isn't a mandatory surgery.
I wouldn't.
DD was advised to have her wisdom teeth removed before coming to the SA. The advice came from her cadre who said that taking care of that before getting there would mean she wouldn't miss any schooling/pt time during recovery. It was also advised by her FFR to tend to this beforehand. Being a three sport athlete, we were going to schedule the procedure between seasons in Feb/Mar to avoid lost athletic time. Should we rethink this plan?
You question is way too vague. Some surgeries are disqualifying just because you had the surgery and you would require a waiver. Others just require a waiting period. The best advice would be to contact DoDMERB with the specifics. If 6 months is required prior to I day, you will need to have the surgery soon.
Okay that makes sense. What about if I get into the academy? After I am already there, is there a possibility I could get it? It's a breast reduction by the way.
TRICARE is the military active duty healthcare program. If you are deemed to have a medical need for surgery, the Academy healthcare team would coordinate that with specialists at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and it would happen there or possibly be referred to a civilian provider. Timing would be in direct relation with urgency, to minimize impact on academic year and summer training.
I have known people (not mids) with your procedure to get it, because of impact on shoulder joint or other problems. WRNMMC does have plastic surgeons. Getting the surgery for strictly cosmetic reasons - that's where I am vague. I think there is a waiting list... getting medical care from civilian providers for a non-urgent situation, especially elective surgery, while on active duty AND a mid - would take some coordination.
I have also known people to get elective surgery, timing it for shore duty and taking their own leave time to get it, depending on the nature of it. There are, of course, policies that cover all of this.
I suggest getting all the facts, expected recovery time, risk of complications, a timeline, and call DODMERB, talk it through. Soon! As in, this week. I am sure you wouldn't be contemplating this procedure lightly, and need it for your own comfort.
My comments relate to USNA setting.
Funny how the minor surgery was assumed to be wisdom teeth. Breast reduction surgery will not be disqualifying, but there will be a recovery period. I recommend you review the DoD medical standard and see if you can find anything pertaining to breast reduction surgery. Here is the standard After a quick reveiw I could not find anything on point. The closest I could find is: History of chest wall surgery (34-34.9), including breast (85-85.9), during the preceding 6 months, or with persistent functional limitations. If this applies it would be 6 months after the surgery and no functional limitations. You may need documentation that states there were no tumors, cancer or masses and that it was done for your comfort.
Best bet would be to contact DoDMERB or Larry Mullen. Larry is the Deputy Director of DoDMERB. His contact information is here Reference Document as of 12 May 2016.pdf