It was well said about the student attire. If you happen to be dressed in attire you must wear, no problem. Simply State why to the Alo.
As for the enlisted, a military uniform is definitely appropriate. However, it should be service dress. And service dress only if you’re going to wear a uniform. You’re not a civilian and a college student. You’re a member of our armed forces. (By the way..... THANK YOU). But you would never wear BDU/ABU/similar duty uniform to a BTZ board, airman/NCO month board, etc. you’d wear your service dress. This is equally important.
And as an “Active Duty Member”, I would say that your service dress uniform is exactly the attire you should be wearing. You aren’t applying to a civilian school. You’re IN the military and applying for a military commissioning program. Wear the appropriate military service dress uniform.
On a side note for others in HS JrROTC, CAP, Scouts, etc. I have great respect for those programs. I was involved in some of them. But you aren’t in the armed forces. As similar as you may think it is, it isn’t the military. Wearing such a uniform to your ALO interview or MOC interview, in the hopes of giving the impression that somehow you are already PART of the military or have an association with the military, isn’t a good representation. Wear nice appropriate business attire. But active duty military ARE 24/7 military. You ARE part of the “military family”. Your service dress uniform, in my opinion, is the only attire you SHOULD be wearing.