First a quick thanks to my good friend and classmate, zaphod, for pulling me in.
I'm a prior usmC O311, USNA 1991 graduate. My varied career after boat School includes Naval aviation and Navy Medicine. After graduation I went NFO and, after a 48 month tour with VP-1, realized that another meaning for NFO was "No Future Outside", so I convinced the Navy to send me to medical school. being a USNA grad opened alot of doors...doors to medical school admissions offices....
Currently I am stationed at National Naval medical center in bethesda, MD but am away for a brief and relaxing hiatus as XO of a Forward Resusitative Surgical Team based here in lovely Ramadi, Iraq. It is a rather unique method of bringing emergency surgery to the battlefield and I've could go on about it ad nauseum. i'm about 1/2 way through an 8 month stint.
I'd be glad to answer any questions about uSNA, Naval Aviation, Naval Medicine, or field medicine in Iraq.
NavyDoc '91
I'm a prior usmC O311, USNA 1991 graduate. My varied career after boat School includes Naval aviation and Navy Medicine. After graduation I went NFO and, after a 48 month tour with VP-1, realized that another meaning for NFO was "No Future Outside", so I convinced the Navy to send me to medical school. being a USNA grad opened alot of doors...doors to medical school admissions offices....
Currently I am stationed at National Naval medical center in bethesda, MD but am away for a brief and relaxing hiatus as XO of a Forward Resusitative Surgical Team based here in lovely Ramadi, Iraq. It is a rather unique method of bringing emergency surgery to the battlefield and I've could go on about it ad nauseum. i'm about 1/2 way through an 8 month stint.
I'd be glad to answer any questions about uSNA, Naval Aviation, Naval Medicine, or field medicine in Iraq.
NavyDoc '91