Let me introduce myself...


10-Year Member
Jun 12, 2006
First a quick thanks to my good friend and classmate, zaphod, for pulling me in.
I'm a prior usmC O311, USNA 1991 graduate. My varied career after boat School includes Naval aviation and Navy Medicine. After graduation I went NFO and, after a 48 month tour with VP-1, realized that another meaning for NFO was "No Future Outside", so I convinced the Navy to send me to medical school. being a USNA grad opened alot of doors...doors to medical school admissions offices....
Currently I am stationed at National Naval medical center in bethesda, MD but am away for a brief and relaxing hiatus as XO of a Forward Resusitative Surgical Team based here in lovely Ramadi, Iraq. It is a rather unique method of bringing emergency surgery to the battlefield and I've could go on about it ad nauseum. i'm about 1/2 way through an 8 month stint.
I'd be glad to answer any questions about uSNA, Naval Aviation, Naval Medicine, or field medicine in Iraq.

NavyDoc '91
Hey, buddy! Welcome to the zoo, er..... site! :thumb:
Salute to you NavyDoc!!!!!!

And as snappy as an NCO Marine can be.

Thanks for all you do!!

I just finished talking with a hometown Mom about her son (Navy Medic) who was injured in Iraq (elbow injury). Back in the states awaiting 3rd surgery.

It is a story to be heard, but obvious reasons, we will not get into it here.

So glad to hear from you again NavyDoc! Glad you're well. I recall you'd posted "over there" a few times. You don't know how appreciated you are here. Hope you can hang here on your time off every now & again to give your perspective on things. Take care over there!
NavyDoc said:
Currently I am stationed at National Naval medical center in bethesda, MD but am away for a brief and relaxing hiatus as XO of a Forward Resusitative Surgical Team based here in lovely Ramadi, Iraq.

NavyDoc '91

At least you don't have medical students like me :hammer: to deal with for a little while.
I'd like to hear about your Medical School/Navy Doctor experiences, etc. I'm looking at Medicine after USAFA and perhaps they are similar paths. Thanks!

Would yall prefer a new thread, this one, or PMs?
You might want to start a new thread, simply because it seems lots of folks are interested in studying medicine coming out of the SA's.

I find it interesting because in my day you rarely heard of it. Either that, or I was in all the wrong conversations. :confused:

It's up to you, but that would be my suggestion. :smile:
Medical school after USNA

Hi I am interested in being in medicine after I graduate USNA. How long does it add to your commitment?
First a quick thanks to my good friend and classmate, zaphod, for pulling me in.
I'm a prior usmC O311, USNA 1991 graduate. My varied career after boat School includes Naval aviation and Navy Medicine. After graduation I went NFO and, after a 48 month tour with VP-1, realized that another meaning for NFO was "No Future Outside", so I convinced the Navy to send me to medical school. being a USNA grad opened alot of doors...doors to medical school admissions offices....
Currently I am stationed at National Naval medical center in bethesda, MD but am away for a brief and relaxing hiatus as XO of a Forward Resusitative Surgical Team based here in lovely Ramadi, Iraq. It is a rather unique method of bringing emergency surgery to the battlefield and I've could go on about it ad nauseum. i'm about 1/2 way through an 8 month stint.
I'd be glad to answer any questions about uSNA, Naval Aviation, Naval Medicine, or field medicine in Iraq.

NavyDoc '91

I've got a few questions for you:
-What do you mean by "No Future Outside" of being a NFO?
-What type of plane did you fly in?
-What exactly are a NFO's responsibilities during a flight?
-Was NFO your first choice or did you want to be a pilot?

By the way, I live right down the street from National Naval Medical Center
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Hi I am interested in being in medicine after I graduate USNA. How long does it add to your commitment?

After graduation from USNA you have 5yrs. If you go to USUHS you end up with 7 more, so 12 total. If you go HPSP you get 4 more, so a total of 9.
I've got a few questions for you:
-What do you mean by "No Future Outside" of being a NFO?
-What type of plane did you fly in?
-What exactly are a NFO's responsibilities during a flight?
-Was NFO your first choice or did you want to be a pilot?

By the way, I live right down the street from National Naval Medical Center

I'll answer since I haven't seen NavyDoc around for a while.

-NFO: There aren't any job similarities between what an NFO does in the Navy and the civilian world. You don't see navigators on commercial planes. Most who get out won't be in flying type of jobs.

-Plane did he fly: VP-1 flies they P-3 Orion.
-NFO responsibility: somewhat depends on your aircraft. In the P-3 there are 2 NFO's in each aircraft. The junior NFO ("Nav/Com") is responsible for just that: navigation and communication. The senior NFO ("TACCO") acts as the tactical coordinator for the aircraft. You could say they "fight the plane". They are the ones who set up where/when to use the various weapons/sensors and help collect that data.