CFA Lower Limits
Do you happen to know what the minimums are in order to pass?
I know that my scores probably won't be excellent but it should be acceptable..
In 2006, USMMA posted some minimums for the PAE, the predecessor of the CFA. The ones that correlate are:
Bball throw - 50'; Pull-ups - 5; pushups - 25
Based on data that I've compiled from self-reported scores on this website, I find that
the bottom 17% of candidates score below:
Bball - 56'; PUll-ups - 6; Shuttle run - >9.5 sec; pushups - 46; Mile - >7:25
You don't want all your scores to be in that group. One or two can be offset by good scores in the others.
And also, it only said in the LOA that I will be guaranteed an appointment upon completion..
so I was very unclear on that point.
Actually, I read that as pretty clear...Don't complete the rest of your items satisfactorily, don't get the appointment.
As others have counselled, if you had an LOA since Sept, you are on their radar. Realize that the standard for completing all the items in your application package, including the CFA, is
thirty days. You've had plenty of time to do your CFA. Do your best.