
Aug 29, 2020
Does anyone know what it means to get an LOE? I got one on November 2nd. I'm just curious because I have heard that it can be a good sign, but it really doesn't matter. I know the goal at the end of the day is to get an appointment, but I just want to know if they kind just hand them out randomly.
Did you do a search on here about an LOE, LOA, etc.?

There have been multiple, recent threads that answer your exact question.


Thanks for the help. I don't know why the search bar won't work for me.
Does anyone know what it means to get an LOE? I got one on November 2nd. I'm just curious because I have heard that it can be a good sign, but it really doesn't matter. I know the goal at the end of the day is to get an appointment, but I just want to know if they kind just hand them out randomly.
I got one on Nov. 2nd as well. Was yours from the Director of Admissions or from an RC?
According to last year's LOE, it is reserved for "our most competitive candidates" and authorizes an overnight visit to USMA which only LOA and LOE and maybe a few other special cases can get. With that in hand, my son was feeling pretty good about his chances at USMA and we spent the big bucks to go on a visit there in October last year. Within a few weeks after his visit, he was advised by his Regional Commander when he inquired that he should rank USMA last in his congressional nomination preferences as it was likely a nomination would only be given out to his top choice and they didn't want his nomination to go to waste. In shock, my son called to discuss more about what happened since he thought he was a strong candidate due to LOE. Without saying it directly, the RC insinuated there was another one or more candidates ranked above my son in the congressional district and he thought it unlikely he would win his congressional district. My son did meet multiple recruited athletes "committed" to West Point at our congressional district interviews a few weeks later from the Central Texas athletic powerhouse school.

Fortunately, he had just enough time to switch his top choice in his congressional nomination rankings to USNA (for years USMA was his top choice but his overnight visit to USNA had pulled them into equal preference) and thankfully he got the nomination and then appointment in March from USNA where he is currently as happy as any plebe can be. Scary times for a while but it all worked out perfectly.
I tried, but it shows up with an error through the search bar.
I feel your pain. I have tried to search numerous times on SAF for something that is commonly cited through its acronym, and then the acronym is too short so you can't find anything.

LOE means you are a strong candidate - but nothing is guaranteed. LOA means if you complete all the remaining (if any) requirements including medical that you will be offered an appointment. It is a golden ticket. Only USMA to my knowledge issues LOE's.
I feel your pain. I have tried to search numerous times on SAF for something that is commonly cited through its acronym, and then the acronym is too short so you can't find anything.

LOE means you are a strong candidate - but nothing is guaranteed. LOA means if you complete all the remaining (if any) requirements including medical that you will be offered an appointment. It is a golden ticket. Only USMA to my knowledge issues LOE's.
1. Having worked in the computer industry for 40+ years i can assure you there are valid technical reasons for the restriction.

2. One needs to be creative in their searches in situations like this. For example try 'Letter of Encouragement'. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

3. One can always enter 'site:serviceacademyforums.com+LOE' in their search bar to get google to do the walking for you.
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