In response to J-A-M, I think all of the candidates, including myself have hobbies and don't sit around all day checking our statuses and waiting by the mailbox. However, it is a time of serious anxiety and it is easy to grow impatient as most of us don't know what our lives will look like six months from now. I agree that worrying about it more won't increase our chances of getting an appointment. However, there is a huge difference between attending the Naval Academy in June/July and possibly attending a civilian college in August or September of 2009, and the wait to find out where we will end up is undeniably an extremely difficult one. I think we all have a fine grip on reality, it's just a little bit difficult to sit back and forget about it when you have such a broad range of possible results. I agree that IF one gets an appointment they should be happy but WHEN definitely plays a part in the process. I am not one who really cares about LOAs as I have faith that I'll end up where I am supposed to be, but think about the kids that have had appointments for a few months now. Are they enjoying their senior year? Yes. Now think about the kids who won't get appointments until the last possible day. It will be a very anxious, nerve-wrecking senior year. I agree that candidates can not expect to be appointed by now and know everything about where they will be, but you have to understand that the process is at times frustrating and unpredictable.
Just my $0.02