I have been reviewing posts on this forum for months now, and it has been tremendously valuable and, frankly, calming for us parents, so thank you. Thank you to all of the military, past and present, who share your wealth of knowledge to us newbies and for your service, to the military families, and to the youth who are committed to serving our country some day.
DS was notified yesterday he received the NROTC-MO scholarship for his first choice school. He is honored, humbled and shocked, and we are exceptionally proud and happy for him, and also thankful for the Marines for believing in him.
As to status, Netfocus changed to "The NSTC Selection/Placement Office has received your application" a few days ago with other information, including five colleges. Site still says "No decision has been made." Since notified, no further status change. From searching posts from prior years, this change is the final change until a decision is made. If no change, you roll over to second board. Good luck to all, and do NOT give up!
Given the early date of this award, he has not yet been admitted to any of his NROTC schools, including his assigned school. Also waiting on USNA. We will be updating DS's college applications to indicate the receipt of this award. I have given thought to the best way to do that because many colleges have need-blind admissions policies and would not want to be perceived as having taken into account whether or not an applicant can pay for college. But colleges of course consider merit-based awards, and this is a significant one, so DS will update applications by focusing on the competitiveness of the award and the factors that are evaluated, including academic performance and test scores, potential to lead, community service, desire to serve, an interview, essay, and physical fitness test. Is there any reason DS should not update his applications to include this scholarship? DS also was urged to reach out to the CO at the university to which he was assigned, which he plans to do asap.