Marines Considering Changes to Tattoo Policy

About an hour from here pre-Covid was a monthly tatting group. After attending and seeing that the nice ladies will teach I decided to invite every other nice lady on my friend's list that lived around here. I did a whole thing with the invite, set up monthly dates, offered to buy supplies (they are inexpensive the issue is knowing what to buy), offered to set up a carpool, and posted instructional videos. Most Americans don't have access to in-person tatting instruction. I thought it was a great opportunity so wanted to share it with others.
Mind you 99% of my FB posts are shares of beautiful floral arrangements, embroidery, smocking, and once in a while a decorated cake. The reactions! Tatting folks, not tattooing. :confused:
Eh, when that day comes I'm going all in on tattoo removal. Way too many bad tattoos out there, slowly stretching across paunchy middle aged folks that are going to finally get sick of it and make a few calls.

On the other hand truckers get to see America instead of the lower backs of Americans with poor judgement. We'll have to see how it looks when the time comes.
I wish there was a fund for prisoners who are being released and want them removed from areas not covered by clothing.
"...Way too many bad tattoos out there..."


CinC House (she won't see this so I can say that :biggrin:) is a corporate executive at a global semiconductor company. She had her Hong Kong manager here for a visit a few years ago. It was July in AZ... We took him to the fancy mall in Snottsdale and everyone was in AZ summer attire (shorts and T's). He saw a young lady walk by...shorty shorts, tube top...and a beautiful tattoo in Chinese characters.

He looks at me and asks about that tattoo. I said, "it's beautiful calligraphy and probably means peace, or harmony, or joy, or something like that."

That's when he gave me the look. "Uh, Steve, that's not what it means." So I asked.

"There's no literal translation in describes the fragrance/aroma of a pile of putrid, rotting fish."

The next stop was a tattoo shop so he could check out their "Chinese Tattoo's" and he explained how half of them were NOT something you'd want on your skin.
Urdu is another popular script...
I’ll get a tattoo in Japanese at some point, but not until I’m fluent enough to know without a doubt that I’m getting the character I’m intending to get.