This is also one of the same arguments currently being tossed around in regards to BAH.
Most active duty members do not have an issue about BAH, b/c when you are young do you really want a 2000+ sqft home?
Where the real issue comes is at the 0-3 marker and when you have dependents your weight allowance goes up substantially.
Zaphod you are right...
Even the one solution sure to cure the problem (no women in the military) opens up another can or three of worms, some strictly political, but others quite practical
Still 20 yrs later we are addressing issues about women in the military....
LET ME SAY OUTRIGHT I AM FOR WOMEN IN THE MILITARY, I JUST BELIEVE THAT WE JUMPED INTO IT WITHOUT THINKING IT THROUGH, it is comparable to Don't Ask Don't Tell. We created a problem by not addressing major issues, i.e. married AD military members. I also feel having homosexuals in the service is not something we should be worried about, but we need to address how to handle the situation. (I am not putting on a flak jacket for saying that, wait a few seconds, it's away!)
Many women in the fighter community will tell you when they were allowed in, the military said come on in, but didn't even think about the simplest thing for a women..."pittle pack", or how a woman's body is not typically compatible to the flight suit.
Now back on topic, the military is required to follow regs., the minute they allow an exception to one, then they need to follow through for everyone else.
Look at it this way, every person gets the exact same pay based on yrs and rank, no if and or buts. You get the same BAH for your rank compared to the other married member whether you have 5 dependents or 1. It is cut and dry.
Allowing married couples in the Army may work, but I question how will that work for the married couple in the Navy, can they now have married quarters? It also is difficult to understand it working in the AF...their quarters for company grade are 4 to a tent, I can't imagine 2 couples A) Married and B) wanting to share a tent. Believe it or not it is quite primitive, they are
JAM we crossed post and I agree, you cannot deny 50% of the population. Just because you have 2
XX chromosones should not be the final decision. That being said...we also need to realize that the military must address the fact that AD members are inclined to become involved. I am also of the old school, we need to get rid of the CFA/PFT that says women should be given more time to run, do sit ups, etc. I say this because when the plane goes down in the Ocean and I am told my husband is missing,
I want to know...I NEED to know that they can drag his body into a raft. I know for a fact that many girls can out run my son, and with that fact why do we allow the military to give women an extra edge by reducing the quals for a CFA/PFT....Please understand Bullet is on the total opposite of this than me, but again he never had to be the spouse worried at home. Also I need everyone to wait until I re-button the flak jacket and this time I am putting the helmet on